that elders and priests were not that different yet we railed against them!
Was There Something That Ever Bothered U About The "Truth" While U Were In?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
The Daniel book
I never agreed with the Society's teaching (1979) that Jesus was not Mediator for the "Other Sheep."
I did not find the new (1985) baptismal vow questions acceptable.
I found the QfR in the 01. April 1986 Watchtower disturbing.
I did not agree with the Society's pre-1995 timing of the separation of the Sheep and Goats.
I did not agree with the Society's claim (w 01/1992) that Jesus was not divine.
&c., &c.
The Watchtower Society's claim that they never said 1975; that some rushed to that conclusion. Baloney! Back then when my memory was very sharp (unlike at my current age) I was absolutely certain they had said it. I could even remember where on the page I had seen it! I just couldn't seem to remember which bound volume it was in.
what was the QFR in the April 1985 wt???
-K -
What bothered me was the idea that "jehovah knows what you need and provides accordingly" nonsense.
Also the idea of what will work for one will work for all.
sweet pea
So many things. Could never get my head around the disfellowshipping - I could never completely avoid acknowledging a DF'd person and always in my heart felt very awkward, it just didn't seem 'Christian' but more of an eternal punishment... Not being able to have an honest conversation about doctrine. The constant doctrine changes. Some peoples attitude to faders - "isn't it a shame they're going to die at Armageddon" (This family had only stopped attending meetings!). Elders having secret meetings and having literature only they were privileged to see. The stupid change in not having S8's to record not at homes but going back to using silly bits of paper to do exactly the same thing just to get around the data protection laws! Being told by an elder that Jehovah's blessing wouldn't be on our house to have the group study there (we'd volunteered because our house is one of the largest in the congregation and the sister had had enough of it in her house) because Besty wasn't sure the Organisation was directed by God!!!!!! That's a few for now.
Could never ever get past the idea that so many good people outside the wts would be killed off at the big a...sadly I swept it under the carpet and kept knocking doors...nothing like being a hypocrite...
This question needs to be rephrased for me. It should be "Was there anything that didn't bother U about the Truth . . ."
I hated every moment of my involvement with the JWs. I was not part of this organization by choice. As soon as I was old enough to exercise choice, this organization became part of my past, instead of my present.
It was about 1985 when I seriously looked at the historical record of the anointed remnant and tried to make sense of why the numbers didn't steadily go down, but seemed to have reached a plateau. Finding out from an insurance underwriter that there should have only been 3000 left in 1985, not around 10,000, was the point that mental freedom really took off for me. When I shared this information with my wife and the elders they didn't fell liberated at all by it., but instead felt threatened by me.
Threatened is the WORD moshe, I find the same incounter with all JWs that I speak to.