Mine was a black and orange WT with the topic "Will Armageddon be fought in the Middle East?". 1977???
What is your first Truth memory?
by 5thGeneration 19 Replies latest jw friends
Being forced to sit perfectly still for hours while listening to unintelligible cult babble via the threat of an immediate, public beating.
Fred E Hathaway
Mine was back in 1974 when I lived at what was then 5644 Pratt Road in Kamloops (BC) Canada, with 2 sisters at my mom's door. I was 7 then. I remember the green Bibles, and asking why they were green instead of black. My mom said she knew about white and maroon ones, too. The sister asked me to look around and guess what Jehovah's favorite color is. The sisters were also mentioning that the next year would mark 6000 years of human history. I was disappointed when my mom didn't invite those nice people in for a coffee. I remember checking my dad's KJV with the dates in it, and 4004 BC[E] was given for Adam's creation. It would be many years later, with the discovery of the explanation in the SI appendix, when I finally understood the truth about Ussher being off in his dating of Bible events.
My parents telling me that Jehovah was "with us" at the meetings and then thinking that the bible study conductor was Jehovah. I was very young at the time...my parents thought it was cute, but the elder got mad everytime I made the mistake of calling him Jehovah. No sense of humor!
Mine was the pink paradise book with all the people being swallowed up by the earth and being destroyed. I must have been 5 or 6 then.
Going to the Sunday meetings in someone's partially finished basement in the early 70s shortly after my parents started studying with JWs. I was 6 years old. I heard them talking about living forever in paradise, and I thought to myself "that is never going to happen".
Around 1956. I was 4. My mother was getting baptized at a KH that had a pool. I was kicking and screaming because a sister was holding onto me and wanted to see my mother. The part I really remember was breaking free and busting into the room where the women were getting dressed. A bunch of naked ladies.
Didn't appreciate it at the time.
When my mom forbidded me from getting McDonalds happy meals that were halloween candy buckets
middle 1950s. KH in a crappy old building with an apartment upstairs. During the Thursday night meeting the bathtub upstairs overflowed and the ceiling fell down on the first few rows of "publishers." Most exciting meeting in years!!!
Mine was when two young "Sisters" came to my door. I lived out in the rural area of a very small town. At that time I always answered the door with a 38 revolver held behind my back, never knew who might be on the other side of that door.
They explained what they were doing and I invited them in. I placed the gun on top of the TV, not thinking anything of it, just normal routine for me. They were shocked to say the least, the look on their faces was "Priceless", of coarse the conversation went straight into crime and living in fear... blah, blah... They brought that up many times over the years.