My dad read some of the Listening to the Great Teacher book with me right before he told me where babies really come from.
What is your first Truth memory?
by 5thGeneration 19 Replies latest jw friends
Googling 'Jehovahs Witnesses'!
But seriously it was much the same as jaguarbass. The pink Paradise book and an old sister called Hazel Beeston trying to study it with me as a 5 year old.
Cycling with my mother from Blockhouse Bay to Avondale KH.which was behind some shops. I did a Bible reading that someone had written for me and it began; "So we see here..........." It didn't make any sense saying that when I hadn't yet read anything. -
In 1967, we were all hippies hanging out on the corner when some young dudes cames over and gave us all a "TRUTH" (Blue Book). Read it, sounded like the truth to me and started attending some at home meetings.....
>>I heard them talking about living forever in paradise, and I thought to myself "that is never going to happen".
LOL @ Scully! Such a bright child!
One of my earliest memories was when the Watchtower study was on the heart and how it's just a pump, not a literal seat of emotions. After the meeting, I mentioned it to the elder I was studying with, something like, "Well... duh!" He explained that the Watchtower had for years taught that the physical heart was involved in a person's emotions and told me some story (from the Aid book) about a guy that had a heart transplant, then didn't love his family anymore.
It was a red flag, I saw it, and I ignored it. Damn.
Attending the Public Talk at the Westerville Ohio KH, and listening to a very polished and kindly bro give a talk about evolution vs. creation. He hooked me.
How I wish the last Public Talk I ever attended had been the first, where the bro, among other things, lectured the youths™ in attendance about how much math was appropriate™ for them to take in school.
The absolutely very first memory was on my honeymoon in NYC in 1967 when the taxi cab driver who was a JW gave me an AWAKE mag.
Never had heard of JWs before. Can't remember his "presentation". Threw out the magazine and was next contacted in 1968 at the door.
Late fifties the music was played on a piano and the KH had a watchtower on top of the biulding. I would have been about four.
It felt like a wake up call, ... all I remember is a 1968 awake magazines cover swewl in red with 1975 on the cover.
and we only have seven years to clean up our lives.
Does any-one recall that cover? Or what month that was ???
compound complex
Hey Fifth,
In the early- to mid-50s I remember one of the "anointed," Sister L.G., at our home, visiting with Mom. I believe it was a Bible study. Sister G. drove a very old business coupe and often had oatmeal for dinner with her fleshly brother because they were so poor. Putting first the Kingdom, I should imagine.
That's my first memory, and it's true!CoCo
It was the truth book, very popular back in the seventies it seemed to make pagans out of mainstream Christianity, later I realised it was just a lot of propaganda, though at the time it seemed to be an eye opener. I can also remember from the early days an elder debating with someone who was claiming that Russell was an immoral adulterer. Something that apparently he was with Rose Ball, at least in spirit.