grammer and spelling

by Hortensia 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    I noticed someone correcting spelling for a couple of posters. It reminded me of a couple of things that really bug me.

    "Momentarily" as in "thank you for holding. Someone will be with you momentarily." A better word is "shortly" or "presently." "Momentarily" means for a moment, not in a moment.

    "Momento" instead of memento. Pause to bang my head against a wall...It's MEMento, as in MEMory, not momento as momentum, an entirely different word.

    And the worst is one I have seen quite a few times on the forum. Folks confuse I and me. For instance, "my mother-in-law gave a gift to my husband and I" is incorrect. If you wouldn't say "someone gave a gift to I" then don't say "to my husband and I." The correct use is "my mother-in-law gave a gift to my husband and me."

    Am I alone in this or are the rest of you bothered by this kind of thing?

  • TheSilence

    It can be annoying, but we all make mistakes from time to time. For instance, I was upset the other day and used 'memorandum' instead of 'memorium'. Or, for example, it is spelled grammar, not grammer.


  • journey-on

    My pet pieve is dangling participles......oh, and split infinitives. (just kidding)

  • Hortensia

    Isn't that great? I pick on other people, and screw it up myself! What is it I have seen folks write: roflmao? That's really funny! Should I edit it or leave it as it is?

  • bigmouth

    Hortensia, one of my earliest posts was on grammar and spelling. It was supposed to be tongue in cheek and posted on the Bible Research forum.

    It backfired terribly! I was attacked like an Arab in a synagogue. I hope others will not be so quick to criticise you.

  • journey-on
    journey-on's criticize, not criticise. (I'm just kidding with you guys....not being critical. But since TheSilence turned it into a spelling critique, thought I'd continue the scrutiny.)

  • TheSilence
    Isn't that great? I pick on other people, and screw it up myself! What is it I have seen folks write: roflmao? That's really funny! Should I edit it or leave it as it is?

    You can change it if you want... but people will be able to tell from the replies below your original post. Let us hope a simple spelling error is not held against you ;) Jackie

  • TheSilence

    And for the record, when it was brought to my attention I changed my post, even though people would know from the posts below it. Silly pride, I know. lol


  • Hortensia

    nah, I'll leave it. Obviously, if I can dish it out I ought to be able to take it!

  • journey-on

    You should have said you did it on purpose just to see if anyone would catch it. If I make a typo and fail to catch it, I feel horrible like it's sticking out like a sore thumb. But I really don't think most people notice or care. My hubby is a super intelligent guy, but he's one gawdawful speller. He says that's what spellcheck is for.

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