I have to put myself in their shoes. They are captives of a concept just as we were at one time. I would make an effort to try and plant something in their mind if I had an opportunity to do so. Of course as you mention, they are ingrained into the cult and it would be that much harder to reason with them and so that would lead them to do the things you mention about them. However, I would not abandon anyone in their situation.Afterall, it's the Watchtower Society that we cannot reason with, not the individuals caught and trapped there by having through no fault of their own been born into the organization. And as such they have no life outside the walls of the Watchtower Society and that is why they act the way they do.
I understand where you are coming from Mini, on the other hand I would not shut the door to captivity, I would make an effort to try and help them to get released from the bonds of captivity. That's what I would hope you and the others who are now out would continue to do just as you have been doing on this forum with your many fine questions and post's over the years.