I suggest Ray Franz's second book, IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAIN FREEDOM.
Ray points out many flaws in the JW teachings and the NWT while retaining his core beliefs.
Allow me to quote from p. 539-540:
The Biblical good news does not draw attention to, nor is it tied up with, some date, whether 1914
or any other date, nor does it attract by offers of alluring physical and material benefits "just around
the corner." It is tied up with an event, the event in which God's Son fulfilled his primary mission as
the Messiah and gave his life on our behalf, thereafter being resurrected to God's right hand and
serving as our advocate there. Only for this reason could Paul say t the Corinthians, "I decided not to
know anything among you except Jesus Christ and him impaled." (1 Cor. 2:2; compare 2 Tim. 2:8)
That central event of the good news is an event of 1900 years past yet it remains the event of supreme
importance for all of us today. The fact that our own personal realization of its full benefit is yet future
in no way changes the fact that the most crucial event in human history took place back then and will not
be surpassed by any future event. The future is, in fact, governed irresistibly by that past act. Whatever
fuure benefits we yet receive are, in reality, aftereffects of that act.
Anyway, you can see why I feel that a Christian writer like Ray Franz might inspire you to decide how
to approach your wife with this.