Why do dubs act as if 1975 wasn't failed prophesy or misleading?

by NotaNess 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • journey-on

    I'm going to say it again: those of us who have left for doctrinal/wtbts teachings (not immorality) have "eyes that can see" and "ears that can hear". Those of us who were JWs in that 1975 era have "brains that can think." I'm like Garybuss: been there, done that, bought the T-shirt.

    Is there some sort of "force field" kool-aid they're serving at the halls?

    Those that stayed in it have developed the above...some sort of "force field" kool-aid mentality. They have been further brain washed to the point that they no longer "remember" the facts as they were. My first response to this thread:

    something very evil and sinister has them in its grasp

    That is not a statement I make out of bitterness or hatred of any kind. Nor do I make it lightly. I BELIEVE IT! When I sat in the KH one year ago this week, not only was I taken aback by the robot-like smiles, but the speaker's talk was boring, and so disjointed to the point of being incoherent. I looked around and everyone's eyes were blank and staring straight ahead. The phrase that was ingrained in me from early on kept going through my head: "Get out of her my people!" I couldn't wait to leave that spooky place and as I drove down the road toward home, I knew I would never ever set foot in a KH again.

  • MinisterAmos
    It was like I was surrounded by robots or something

    That's a pretty apt description. What you experenced is what I call a "designed personality". Someone told them what they should be like and they followed the example made by the crowd. This is why you'll see the same make-up in every congo. There are always the "Super-Sisters" there is always the "Holier Than Bethel" couple, the "Anointed Old Guy", the "Jehovah Luvin' Youths" etc. Every JW recognizes them.

    As far as failed prophecy go, I consider the October 1914 End-of-the-world prophect to be even worse. THen President Russell even climbed Mt Zion so he would be the first to be "taken"

    The 1995 generation change was probably worse as well since it involved basic doctrine and was wiped out without explanation.

  • Alwayshere

    Because they have to.

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    The simple agenda of JWS training is to say and speak only good things about the organization and the people within it, that is their mandate any wittiness that speaks out in a questioning

    tone about the organization and their written doctrines is perceived spiritually weak and possibly demoniacally inspired. Fear is the controlling factor here, harm will come to you if you don't

    speak as your suppose to speak, the truth is written out for them to speak upon as a slave is suppose to say from his master, any contravening speak could bring reproach and punishment

    otherwise. In other words say as your suppose to say or damage might fall upon you.

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    I was as an elder in 1975. We had big charts at our circuit assemblies in the early 70's that would

    say only 30 months left and then 6 months later only 24 months. I heard Brother Franz give a talk

    where he said that if Eve was created 3 months after Adam then Armageddon would begin in the

    begining of 1976. If anyone says or believes that the WTBTS did not advocate that the great tribulation

    was going to happen in the fall of 1975 they are wrong. I was there. I was appointed by "holy spirit"

    and I taught it from the platform, on shepparding calls, from door to door as well as in parts at

    the assemblies. Maybe the end came in 1975 and I just missed it.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I was there in 75. We had one brother in our cong who was stocking up on supplies so he and his family could manage when the time came. Most of us thought he wasn't "relying on Jehovah"

    There was a special talk in October that was wired from Brooklyn (I think). It was one of those talks that no one should miss. Many thought that that was a special time and that since all JWs would be in their seats to hear thins talk that Jehovah might pick that as a perfect ime to start "The End"

    Walking in we thought we would not walk out into the same world.

    By the time we walked out I know I totally believed we just got everything wrong and it was our imaginations that were on over-drive. I remember shutting down my thinking when I got too close to the WTS is lying to us.


    How can a prophesy fail,if it never happened??..The prediction of Armageddon by 1975,never happened..It dosen`t exsist..Active Jehovah`s Witness`s who lived through that time,don`t remember it..Anything written by the WBT$ concerning 1975,dosen`t exsist.If you have a copy of anything to the contrary,get rid of it......Now be a good Jehovah`s Witness and repeat the "WBT$ Chant"..It will help you forget and clear your mind of any intellegent thought..La La La..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • NotaNess

    OK, some hilarious stuff here, and I appreciate all the replies. I enjoyed laughing for the last 10 minutes.

    Also, some of the more serious comments seemed very heartfelt. I thank everyone!

    Taking notes...............

  • moshe

    If you expressed reservations about 1975, which I did sometimes, you got the looks to 'kill' from everyone else. Nobody wanted anyone to mess with their 1975 manic state. 1975 energized all the JW's and made them feel so superior to everyone else. But just like a bipolar mania, after 1975 the depression followed. It took a couple years before JW's got over it and the solution was to just deny it ever happened. Trying to get them to remember is like trying to remember unpleasant childhood experiences long buried in the subconsious. A person can successfully modify a memory over time to make it more palatible.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    We were getting two differing messages during those years before 1975. First the messages that the end was coming in 1975 (even 1974). Then there were the cautionary statements that "We are not serving for a date." Even at the time, Clyde said, "They've got it covered both ways...if it comes, then they are a true prophet--if it doesn't, they can just refer back to their cautionary statements." Interestingly enough, Clyde also commented, "There is dissension going on at Bethel. I can tell by just reading the publications." He didn't have any inside information.

    Our circuit overseer on two different visits stood on the platform and almost shouted, "The Society was NOT WRONG about 1914, and THEY WILL NOT BE WRONG about 1975."

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