My son invited me but I lost the email. He is giving the talk...Yikes!
When is the Special Talk?
by tinker 24 Replies latest jw friends
Tomorrow. I believe it is the same Special Talk from last year. There is good news, but you must act quickly to receive your reward of paradise.
There is good news, but you must act quickly to receive your reward of paradise.
Act quickly! You may have already won 10,000,000 Dollars! (Don't forget to buy some magazines!)
Damn... the similarities are uncanny!
Alligator Wisdom
It's only a "special" talk because it's a new outline (#168).
After this weekend, it'll be thrown into the pool of other outlines and will be given again as a public talk in the congregation in about a year or two.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
How do you know it is the same ST as last year? They ALL sounded the same for the past 45yrs but that's just me. They would put a little twist to the title and call it *Special* but all the same anyway. Did they not get a 'new' manuscripe this year? Or is it just an 'outline' like the other talks?
Handsome Dan
What's special about ignorance and corruption it's just dirty marketing in a different flavor.......simple bullshitting in a free market society nothing else.....this is special ?
The special talk is Special as it is the only talk all year geared towards non-witnesses. Hopefully bible studies and ones that just went to the Memorial a few weeks ago.
I would go if my son were giving the talk.
Thanks Alligator, it's been a loooog time out for me so I forgot how the Speical outline worked. That's right, it starts out Special and then goes into the pool. My husband was a long ago elder and even he forgot. I was thinking 'old age brain drain' but now I realize it just 'more interesting' things to know have taken their place.
Yes, I will attend only because he is My Son up there. He takes after his father and is a Awsome Speaker. Some days I am sad that we have parted ways on religion but he does not treat us any differently. We had one conversation as to Why we are out, he accepted it and we have moved on. It is unusual and I'm sure he gets many questions about mom and dad but he defends our possition. I forsee a time when the scales will fall from his eyes too.
It could be that one of the GB was up mountain climbing and some bush caught on fire and started talking to him. Then lightning struck some of the rocks and two new tablets appeared. So now they have tell everyone about some new light crap.