I go my way, everyday and count how truly blessed we are in this western society. The things I take with little regard, I know in my heart of hearts that there is brutal suffering going on at the exact same moment I'm enjoying my cheesesteak. Its a fact of life, but even Jesus never tried to get around the issue. " The poor you have with you, always..." I can't enslave my life's mind and hold it captive to the fact that there is a horrible part of suffering on the planet. Some things are just beyond our ability to control or do any reasonable thing about.
I look at nature, as was described earlier by another poster, how even in the prescense of its suffering, life continues to go on for those creatures, as it, somehow, must continue on for us as well. This planet is too big for the meager amount of us wanna' be doers of good to really make that much of a difference. Life isn't here for very long if you look at it in the big picture aspect, anyway. We're here for a brief few minutes. I've counted the individual moments. We don't even get a million days out of the deal!!! Don't believe me? Do the math!!!
And even amidst all this, I still refuse to short change the Almighty, because I know that whatever little temporary suffering we all collectively will do as a species, there exist nothing that he can not rectify on the other side of heaven, whether it be heaven on earth, or to be with him in the air. Its all a little pointless to, so overly concern myself with the struggles of those who I am in no position to assist. I don't look down upon those individuals, I have compassion for them, yes, and if I can truly help sopmeone, I'm often the first one to run and do a rescue, but I know I can only do so much, and there are other times when I need to let someone else help an individual, despite my being in somewhat of a position to help. When my hands are not strong enough, I need to allow life to have its way with some and let those who can best help the situation, do just that.