OK - so Special Talk Today - You can feel safe in a troubled world. 15 minutes devoted to to how bad things are. Iraq and USA were headlined and 1914 was mentioned > 20 times. So no indication despite 1935 that they are backing off from 1914 - if of course the speaker followed the outline closely. Basically almost verse by verse of Mattheww 24 and Luke 21. the most dissappointing aspect to me was our speaker labored on about earthquakes. He said there had been a 20 fold increase in devastating earthquakes since 1914 - this despite a March 2002 Awake contradicting that. So it looks to me like they are going backwards and hardening on certain old issues and untenable ones. Attendance not that great - perhaps about 5 people more than we usually get
Report on Todays special talk
by stillajwexelder 78 Replies latest watchtower bible
So no indication despite 1935 that they are backing off from 1914 -
Well I guess they really cant back of from 1914... Their whole doctrine stands on that . & if they changed that ....I would be welcomed back to the KINGDOM OF DESTRUCTION -
I was JUST re-searching JW Forum AND the Watchtower Library to check on the Earthquakes thingy again. You are right, our speaker mentioned the same statistic - and I am in an European country - he had the outline in his hands and read from it!!!! So it must be in the outline.
For the ones that missed it (shame on you...) here a "wrap up" from me (HAD to go.....):
3 parts
a) EVERYTHING is getting worser, bad,bad, bad (the most laughable example he gave was "you could be just walking on the park, hand in hand with your loved ones and terrorism or nuclear menace take your peace away...." I couldn't believe it! So, it seems JW believe some parks will be nuked pretty soon.....good prophesy!)
What annoyed me at this part of the talk was: he takes like 20 minutes (out of the 45 available) to create that FEAR scenario.....(used by shaddy sales people, too).....Mentions the spanish flu that killed millions....but forgets to mention that the 20th, 21st, Century have seen some of the most amazing advancements in medicine, erradication of diseases, vaccines, heart transplants.......I'm reading a book about the History of Economics and in the 17th Century as a peasant you couldn't even OPEN AN BANK ACCOUNT.....only the noble ones! Today every dude can open bank accounts, credit cards, loans, trade stocks, go to High School, VOTE (women and Blacks), Slavery erradicated, ....yeah right, times are getting worser...UTTER BS.
b) part of the talk: 1914, 1914,1914.......you have to FOLLOW US, FOLLOW US, FOLLOW US
c) more of b) and "oh, by the way, did we mention that you WILL DIE if you don't straighten things out with Jehovah=WTBS and get your arse over here 3 times a week? NO? Now, you know it"
This was my most precious moment during the talk: he mentions SECURITY and how Jehovah protects his servants and reads up about Jesus being protected in Marys womb, etcetc. BUT I thought to myself (I think he read that scripture, can't remember): Jesus and his parents HAD TO FLEE to BAD EGYPT and here it comes: become INMIGRANTS AND MISS A AWFUL LOT OF TEMPLE VISITS (3 years missing the meetings would put YOU and ME on the black list....). NO protection for Jesus. If I had to get a job in another country and miss the meetings for 3 years straight......well, well, well.....you know how that could get you in trouble. "You have to trust in Jehovah". I guess Mary and Joseph didn't trust either....better look for REAL SECURITY: wander to Egypt.
LOL and LOL again! Thanks for that snippet of valuable argumentation in my arsenal.....
PS: I can "foresee" Special Talk 2008: Take points a, b and c - change subject, add a few new updated death statistics, terrorist attacks...pretend you knew all BEFOREHAND, mix, shuffle....here you have: A BRAND NEW SPECIAL TALK!!!!!!
Oh, I almost forgot:
He mentioned that the choice is OURS. And stressed FREE WILL.....can you believe this? I almost shitted in my pants.....
FREE WILL? C'mon,......If a big guy puts a gun to your hand and asks you in a friendly manner: "Hand me your cash or I will pull this trigger. The CHOICE is YOURS!" Well, I guess that counts as usage of my FREE WILL....yeah, right.
I recall back in the early 70's when that peace treaty was signed at Camp David and everyone was in the "they are talking peace and security" mode at the time.....the attendance was up and JWs were excited. We SEE where THAT went. How long can they slide on the "its just around the corner" mentality when we were out placing tracts about the END MESSAGE in the 70s?
Same malarcky from this end. I though maybe it was only our local speaker that spewed the earthquake statistics, but I guess they are going back to the old stuff.
The light goes back and forth. Will any dub ever see the stupidity of it all????? Our hall was packed today.
All Witness produced speeches and books only have three points:
1) The end is near;
2) The Society is "the" channel;
3) Salvation only comes by working for the Society. -
He said there had been a 20 fold increase in devastating earthquakes since 1914 - this despite a March 2003 Awake contardicting that.
Outlines still allow the speaker to develop it his own way. He did that wrong. Sad that most rank and file
(usually including the BOE) won't notice it.Thanks for telling us what's up. This is my first week dedicated to missing (virtually) all the meetings for the rest of my life.
I may be stuck at a Memorial, funeral, or wedding once in a while, but I have no more desire to hear the latest from the
podium when I can read updates right here. -
...the Earthquakes thingy again. You are right, our speaker mentioned the same statistic - and I am in an European country - he had the outline in his hands and read from it!!!! So it must be in the outline.
I typed before reading all the posts. Maybe they are just plain lying. Maybe they want to say both that earthquakes did
increase (from the platform) and that they didn't (in the literature), thus covering both ways so the JW's hear what they
need to hear, but old light denies ever saying it. Confusing- you bet. -
So basically, what you are saying is, the "Special Talk" was just the "same old, same old" and the only thing special about it, at least in the U.S., is, it came on April 15th, tax day.