Oh, I almost forgot: He mentioned that the choice is OURS. And stressed FREE WILL.....can you believe this? I almost shitted in my pants.....
Ya.....kinda like at the Memorial this year. According to the May Craptower, we shouldn't be judging anyone who wants to partake of the emblems, yet the speaker at ours specifically said "...As most, if not all of us here tonight, are not part of the new covenant and hence will not be partaking, blah, blah, blah..." Free will my ass. If someone did want to partake, how the hell do you do that when it feels like there's an invisible 44 magnum pointed at the back of your head? (go ahead punk, drink that wine and make my day).
I found this little gem that they said 57 years ago about "the End":
***w 50 2/1 p. 35 What Do You Do with Your Time? *** It might still be argued that Paul thought the time was short away back in his day; so while we can readily see the signs that Jesus foretold would mark the beginning of the time of the end, why are we not justified in concluding that there is yet ample time? Perhaps several generations will yet come and go before God’s wrath is expressed against wickedness and its final end brought about. Such a conclusion should be hastily dismissed from mind, for Jesus further said, when speaking of the signs: "This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." (Matt. 24:34) It is the generation you are living in that is primarily concerned.
Oh I forgot.......they made a slight error.