Would you rat out an Elder

by pratt1 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sspo

    Let him be. If he goes to strip clubs and he is an elder, let him cope with his conscience. What else is he

    doing on the side?. He will not last as an elder or as a JW.

    Eventually he'll screw up, get caught or he'll walk away from the watchtower

  • IP_SEC

    why would you want to involve yourself with the dubs by telling on him?

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Doesn't your cell phone have a camera??????

    JWD is always looking for new blood!! You could have at least black-mailed him for a day, and brought him here. We could have showed him our LIGHT!!

  • Hortensia

    Mind your own business. Live and let live. Besides, the thought of how much he is worrying about whether you will rat him out ought to be enough for you. And whenever you see him in the future, you can give him a slow wink and smile.

  • itsallgoodnow

    just walk away from it and don't say anything. if you realize the watchtower society has no authority over you, why should it have any authority over him, even if he's an elder?

    anyway, you wouldn't want that guy to think it was Jehovah's Holy Spirit that worked in you to clean his true christian congregation, would you? I mean, that would just be sad.

  • IP_SEC

    on second thought after re-reading, something stinks about this story to me. pratt, you sure about your story?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Since I have only faded, not DFed, the elders would probably used this as a way to get to me and he would survive unscathed.

    It would however have a huge effect on how he and his family would be viewed by the congo.

    This is not a good revenge situation. Walk away from it, or have a heart-to-heart with him.
    "There are several people there that I know. They would vouch for your being there, but I am
    not a blackmailer. I want the WTS to have no power over me, so I am just going to forget I
    saw you there, and you are going to forget about me."

    Why hurt yourself for this? After you do, the taste of the revenge won't satisfy you.

  • Toshiro Mifune
    Toshiro Mifune
    He actually had the nerve to ask me if it was okay for us to speak.

    Talk about a compartmentalized psyche. "Yes, I can have a woman of questionable morals grind around on my groin -- but I ain't speakin' to no disfellowshipped person."

    I personally feel that ratting on naughty JWs is a tool the organization uses to control and intimidate the flock. I've stopped participating that's why I didn't write a letter of disassociation. I'm not doing their misguided work for them.

    There once was a prominent elder who used to frequent public toilets for gay sex. This went on for quite awhile until a "brother" from a congregation where he had given a talk was using the restroom for the same reason. The second brother felt guilty and confessed for them both.


  • nvrgnbk
    have a heart-to-heart with him.

    Yup OTWO! Surely you don't judge the brother for doing the same thing you were doing pratt1. Like I said before, you can use this situation to help the guy out. If then he shows himself to be a total, unabashed idiot, take things up a notch.


  • UnConfused

    Gary - you are evil and I would leave him be

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