Those folks over PA on 9-11... at least they died with their boots on... That's what I'm talkin' about.
Good point, hillbilly.
by Tatiana 45 Replies latest social current
Those folks over PA on 9-11... at least they died with their boots on... That's what I'm talkin' about.
Good point, hillbilly.
I guess my generation was the last raised with a will to survive. Getting shot aint the end ...unless it's fatal on impact history has show that a person with resolve can fight and survive being shot.
Criticizing nineteen year old college kids for cowardice in the face of slaughter is quite easy from the keyboard and screen battlefield.
As to the will to survive being extinct in the younger generation, it is nineteen year old kids laying down their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan you may have forgotten.
For that is what you are judging from your posts the past few days,
God, I feel as I have just been savaged by a saber-toothed poodle. HSJust responding to a braindead moron...
When poodles speak, Atlas yawns. HS
Disgusting, arrogant comments Hillbilly. You have absolutely no information about what went on in that building. For one thing, at this point, you don't know that someone didn't rush him. Also, he had two guns, you don't know that he shot them both out, but even if so, you don't know that when he was re-loading he was in a location where he could be rushed. As well, the cold detached person on a psychotic mission always has the jump on the surprised and the frightened. You sir, would likely have been just as dead as anyone else there, with a mixture of piss and blood in your boots.
As for "Getting shot aint the end ...unless it's fatal on impact", well it was fatal "on impact" or otherwise for 32 people yesterday, wasn't it? Did they just not have enough "will"? Damn lazy mortally wounded slackers.
Except if you are mentally disturbed, a criminal, a wannabee cowboy, a man or woman who has never quite grown up, or a malcontent who believes in the power of Marvel comics.
That would mean that around 100 Americans would own weapons.
There he is: Back to spouting off his tired OLD JOKES.....HS, you are so predicable. BORINGgggggggg
Watching the news I was absolutely staggered to learn how easy it is to purchase an assault rifle in the US. I mean, what the ^"*! would anyone want with such a weapon!!
People use guns for sport more than any other reason in the US .
I didn't know you could own a gun in canada , but probly costs a fortune for the liscense . To me it'd be real easy to cut down violent crime if the college campuses just put in security features , but nooooooo the anti gun crowd will just up and demand we lose the right to bear arms . cowards........
As to the will to survive being extinct in the younger generation, it is nineteen year old kids laying down their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan you may have forgotten.
And I applaud the 1000's of kids who are showing valor and courage in todays ill-advised war. The thing that bothers me is the same generation has the punk bullys who will relish in executing illegal and immoral orders in a military prison setting. I guess some how I see todays overall loss of something ...guts...courage...dignity in society reflected in the willingness of so many exhibiting shame in not defending therselfs.
Six... I have had piss and blood in my boots, and lived to tell about it. I don't judge those kids and I am sure many did the right thing...for the way they were raised. It's a tragic thing to go through anything like what happened yesterday. Obviously, I needed to expand on what I was trying to say ... thanks for jumping my shit while behind the keyboard. You seem to have measured my motives and values based on a paragraph or two.
Where in the constitutin does it say the word Gun? It says arms, a nuclear weapon is an arm but we can't own one. I believe in controlluing what weapons we can own and that's totally constitutional according to judical review.... the framers were talking about flintlocks not Uzzis.
Dear Hillary,
You said:
It has to be noted however, that the recent firearm restrictions in Australia have not impacted the number of murders that have taken place there. The figures are still steadily rising.
Would you be kind enough to give the source of that information?
Thank you
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