"This Shows We're Living In The Last Days"......Your response???

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Atrocities happen all the time. Student mass murders, genocides, the ozone layer, the environment------you name it----it all points to what Witnesses assert as PROOF that this means we're living in the "last days of the last days"

    How would you respond to such ones?

  • crazyblondeb

    That's all my mom has been saying the last couple days. She has even decided to get cable so that she "can watch the news as this world falls apart" so that she can "witness the last days around the world".

    Last night I finally couldn't keep my mouth shut. I told her those were the same words from 30 years ago.....

    "But, it's soooo close"....blah blah blah......

  • daystar

    My response? Pick up a frelling history book.

  • Amazing

    All these things have continued the same since our forefathers down to this day, and I see no need to take note until the flood .... swosh ... what, I'm drowning, its Armegeddon! Yikes!

    Seriously, when times are calm, the Society teaches the JWs to look out, for Peace and Security is near, and when times are tough, they preach the urgency of the end being close. They win either way.

    Back in the 1960s it was global cooling and an immenient ice age, Hippies, drugs, alcohol, Viet Nam, and on and on ... then in the 1980s it was Peace and Security ... and now its global warming, heavy metal music, sex, and Apostates ... and the beat goes on ...

    Jim Whitney

  • Brigid

    aaah yes, the absolute orgasmic joy and titillation (all tempered with faux sympathy) they receive from tragedy (gods, the WTC downing must have sent them orgiastic in the Halls!!!)

    I would say....nothing. It supports their schema, which they desperately need to cling to and find support in any way possible. I am going through some sort of something where I just don't care. It's not necessarily contempt, but it's like watching a drug addict who is not ready to make the break or a woman who is beat who will not admit there's a problem. If they want it, it's wasting my precious energy to try to "convince" them otherwise....now, reach out your hand to me with even the slightest effort, and I will scoop you up as a mother does a child. But I have no desire at this time to....to, well, "throw my pearls before swine"

    I do wish them Love and Light, though

  • Seeker4

    Essentially, EVERY generation since the idea of the Last Days was first proposed 2000 years ago, has seen stuff that convinced them they were in the last days. Things get better in some areas, worse in others, then switch again and again.

    The Witnesses have been crying "wolf" for 130 years, and others of their ilk for hundreds of years longer. Everytime some horror occurs, they jump all over it. Funny, but you don't get the same reaction from them when a new cure for some disease is discovered.


  • Mary
    Student mass murders, genocides, the ozone layer, the environment------you name it----it all points to what Witnesses assert as PROOF that this means we're living in the "last days of the last days"

    Well, I'm going out on a limb here, but I would assume that living during WWII when the entire world was at war, fit the description of "the last days", more than what we do. They had just come out of the Great Depression, the 'Dirty 30s when everyone's crops dried up and blew away and the future looked very uncertain to put it mildly. Or what about the Cuban Missle Crisis when we came within seconds of starting WW III? Why didn't the Big A come then?

    Yes there is plenty of bad news today and Monday's murders at the university was horrible. However, mankind has gone through a hell of a lot worse periods than this. What about the Black Death in Europe during the Middle Ages? Half the population was wiped out. You think those people didn't think The End was imminent?

    My dad is always going on about "as this System of Things winds down.." I think it's a psychological buffer for many of the older Witnesses who are desperate for The End to come so that they won't have to face death, even when they're almost staring it in the face. And naturally the Governing Body members do nothing to dissuade this notion, less some start to lose faith.

  • TheCoolerKing

    An earthquake strikes - we're living in the "last days of the last days"

    A war breaks out - we're living in the "last days of the last days"

    A fire or a flood occurs - we're living in the "last days of the last days"

    A space shuttle blows up - we're living in the "last days of the last days"

    A president gets shot - we're living in the "last days of the last days"

    9 / 11 - we're living in the "last days of the last days"

    A celebrity kills himself / herself - we're living in the "last days of the last days"

    Notice a pattern???

  • Sasha

    they are going on the scripture of "men rising up and killing one another" (Matthew) When Jesus said this it would mean the "Beginnings of pangs of distress" Beginnings. I think we have a while to go yet. But What do I know? My cousin was at that Campus and on her way to that classroom. Thank God she ws spared.

  • daystar

    I do wish them Love and Light, though

    LOL! Of course you do baby. Of course you do.

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