You Believe in God? Who cares?

by proplog2 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2

    Open Mind:

    Part of my strategy on this thread is to "provoke" a response. But I really do look at theists as subscribers of an inferior, uninformed and obstructive paradigm.

    Atheists DO know better.

    And it isn't that I didn't spend (waste) most of my life as a theist. I have been drifting gradually toward atheism for the last 25 years.

    First I questioned the Bible.

    Then I questioned my religion so I could salvage my belief in the Bible.

    Then I questioned the concept of a personal God.

    Then I questioned the concept of an impersonal God.

    God had plenty of time to help me but I finally realized that the concept of God is incoherent.

    To become an Atheist was not easy but I feel it was worth the struggle - but I would have preferred spending my life on something other than breaking free from a stupid idea.

  • mouthy

    People who like the theist hole apparently need that way of thinking to keep them out of trouble.

    Well It didnt keep me out of trouble so that thought is shot down....I dont cosider I am in a hole either

  • journey-on
    We don't pray for God to save the world, but we believe it will take the labor and imagination of good people to save this world for the next generation- our children.

    I like this, Moshe. Maybe this is God, the collective spirit of his image (us). It's up to us to save the world because we are the physical manifestation of the Spirit. If you're looking for a being outside, a big G in the sky, he's not there. But he's in and around and through everything and manifests through our light and love.

  • proplog2


    If a belief in God hasn't kept you out of trouble then you just don't believe strongly enough.

    I refer to theism as a hole because the only way out is toward the light. Of course if you are still in the process of digging in your ass is to the light.

    I hope you take this in good humor.

  • poppers

    "If God exists...he needs to manifest himself ... " Does god actually "need" anything? If he/she/it does then what kind of god is he?

  • greendawn

    I think you are too prejudiced against theists, believing in God does not in any way inspire someone to avoid becoming a scientist or avoid supporting scientific progress and there are plenty of scientists that believe in God. Also your projections for future human achievement are too exaggerated eg nobody has a clue about how energy can be produced from nothing and most scientists don't even believe that is possible.

  • Warlock


    So then, are you saying that most scientists do not believe in God and that is what keeps them progressing? I thought, and I might be mistaken, that most scientists believe in God.


  • journey-on

    Please read The Science of God by Gerald Schroeder

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hey proplog2:

    Nice summary of your progression to the "light". I'm right there with you, except for this part.

    I would have preferred spending my life on something other than breaking free from a stupid idea.

    If I was absolutely certain that belief in a higher power was just "a stupid idea" I would agree. But, on the off chance that this little speck of dust doesn't quite have it all figured out right, what do you think of the Atheist's Wager? ( It's a more elegant, IMO, variation of Pascal's Wager ). Nvrgnbk posted it a few days ago and I'll requote it here:

    You should live your life and try to make the world a better place for your being in it, whether or not you believe in God. If there is no God, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent God, he will judge you on your merits and not just on whether or not you believed in him.

    Open Mind (of the, I'm so smart I can't figure out how to turn off my highlighter, class)

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Proplog2:

    Whether or not a person is a believer or un-
    believer respect should be shown. I believe
    in God or a Universal Creator, but I shy away
    from religion altogether.

    From my perspective, I cannot rule out that God may
    or may not exist, but I try not to pass judgement.


    The Wanderer

    P.S. Regarding technology, I do pretty well there.

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