How much have you changed since you left the JWs..........

by fifi40 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • InquiryMan

    Used to be kind, yet strict on myself and others. Humerous, but very prudent (not anymore). Talkative, but always kept within theocratic boundaries (not at all anymore). Generous and hospitable (however, due to shunning not being able to extend those qualities to my parents/sisters). Now I m trying to be tolerant, non-judgemental and open... (of course having been an elder, and now an open gay, divorced, yet living close to my ex, is by far a big change from my former life, yet I remain much of the same in my core personality - some qualities are even easier to show now. I find it easier to show the socalled fruits of the spirit now when it is not talked about all the time.... (apart from the last one LOL)

  • fifi40

    Richie Rich - you always strike me as 'a right nice bloke', I loved your thread about your memorial visit, it touched the heart.

    Undecided and Done4good - You sound like you got it sussed.

    Crumpet - You are the babe

  • fifi40

    Unconfused - It doesnt show on your avatar (the facial hair)

  • Crumpet
    Crumpet - You are the babe

    I used to live in leicestershire too - Melton Mowbray. Pork pie and a bit of stilton anyone?

  • mouthy

    so but dont you think its is time we had a bit of your life story and experiences.


    I have been on here for many years,& repeated & repeated my dismal past many times .But I will start a thread about me for your benifit my love. . Thanks for being interested. 80 years is a long time to remember BUT I will give you the highlights & the downtimes Which were many,,,,

  • tetrapod.sapien

    hi fifi,

    physically, i have changed a lot. witnoids who knew me as a witnoid, and see me now are baffled to encounter someone who has gone from 230 lbs to 155 lbs (my natural healthy weight based on genes), and is growing dreadlocks. you'd generally find me with a smile on my face these days. not the case before at all.

    but the change has been all psychological, of course (physical is only a manifestation of this). sometimes i wonder if there was some sort of seed burried deep within me, that when the opportunity came along to allow it to germinate, i did, instead of fighting it. sometimes i wonder if everyone has a seed like that, but not everyone lets it grow because of fear and guilt.

    so, it's hard for me to answer your question, because on the surface (even intellectually and behaviorally) i have changed drastically, and yet the potential for the change was with me all along, all through childhood too. i can trace it back.

    personally, i have a hard time understanding ex wits who leave key bits of the doctrine behind, but don't milk the deconversion experience for all it's worth. but then again, that is a lack of understanding on my part that i need to work on. :)


  • ninja

    I was a bit off balance when I left at first Feeffster but am calming down and coming to terms with myself and the way JW's are reacting to me....albeit slowly....the cream always rises to the top.......he he...yay 300 posts...(just noticed!)

  • Abandoned

    I've changed quite a bit. I've realized how exhilerating it is to fully embrace my dreams and follow them wherever they lead. I'm very kind and generous, but I'm not a sucker like before. I still wish I wouldn't have had anything to do with the jw, but having suffered through that experience, I'm determined to yank out as many positives as is humanly possible.

  • Arthur

    My mental health has improved dramatically. When I was on the Watchtower treadmill, I was extremely depressed and became suicidal. Now, I know what it truly means to be a Christian. Now, I actually feel uplifted and invigorated when I study the Bible and attend church.

    I have noticed that I am not nearly as judgemental any more. I have noticed that I am incredibly more empathetic and compassionate to all people. It is very freeing to be able to help people of all walks of life; not just those in your own religion. It is very freeing to be able to judge people based upon their character instead of on their religious affiliation. It is very freeing to not have to evaluate people as "Witnesses vs. worldly people".

    I have developed much more love for people since leaving the Watchtower. And, I have much deeper faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ since leaving the Watchtower.

  • fifi40

    Crumpet my first reaction to your mention of Melton Mowbray was 'they make dog food there as well' but I think sticking to the pork Pie (which I am not to keen on) and Stilton (yum) is probably long ago were you there.............I am Leicestershire born and bred, although I have lived in various other places.


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