Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-22-07 WT Study (Enjoy Life Fear Jah)

by blondie 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-22-07 WT Study (March 1, 2007, pages 25-29)(ENJOY LIFE FEAR JAH)

    Review comments will be in red

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book

    Bible translations

    WT publications

    WT child abuse

    Blood issue

    United Nations


    "Fear Jehovah, you holy ones of his, for there is no lack to those fearing him. "-PSALM 34:9.

    Opening Comments

    This article continues the OT theme from Psalm 34. While the article mentions Jesus being the example remember that Jesus feared God first, not the religious leaders and not the religious organization he was born into. He was not afraid to heal on the sabbath and break the law. He was not afraid to point out that the religious leaders were hypocrites and the sons of Satan because they made God’s word invalid because of their human rules and traditions. Jesus did not treat the poor people as if they were secondary citizens not worthy of the same rewards as the religiously educated.


    Q1, 2) (a) In what different ways has Christendom viewed the fear of God? (b) What questions will we now examine?

    1) Preachers in Christendom who teach the fear of God frequently do so on the basis of the unscriptural teaching that God punishes sinners eternally in hellfire. Such a doctrine is contrary to what the Bible teaches about Jehovah as a God of love and justice. (Genesis 3:19; Deuteronomy 32:4; Romans 6:23; 1 John 4:8) Other ministers of Christendom take the opposite approach. They never mention the fear of God. Instead, they teach that God is permissive and accepts almost anyone regardless of the kind of life he lives. That too is not what the Bible teaches.-Galatians 5:19-21.

    Preachers in Christendom who teach the fear of God frequently do so on the basis of the unscriptural teaching that God punishes sinners eternally in hellfire

    Preachers in the WTS who teach the fear of God do so on the basis of the unscriptural teaching that God punishes all non-JWs who died at the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Armageddon will die eternally without any hope of a resurrection. That includes children of the parents who will die for the sins of the parents.

    *** w57 7/1 p. 416 Announcements ***

    It is only true worshipers of Jehovah today, those who learn of God’s gracious provision for safety and act on it, who will receive his protection at the war of Armageddon.
    To be under that protection means life; to be outside it means death.

    *** w89 9/1 p. 19 par. 7 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium ***

    Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system
    dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17; 2 Corinthians 4:4) They will make up the "flesh" that Jesus Christ said would be saved through the worst tribulation of all human history.

    *** w65 3/15 p. 176 par. 10 Our Own Twentieth-Century Generation and the Resurrection ***

    The undedicated children of goatish people will not be spared from execution and being sentenced to Gehenna just because they are themselves minor, unresponsible children
    This hard fact is illustrated in the orders that Jehovah God issued to his executioners when apostate Jerusalem was to be destroyed. To his executioners he said: "Pass through the city after him [the man who marked the ones to be spared] and strike. Let not your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion. Old man, young man and virgin and little child and women you should kill off." And that is what they did, as illustrated in Jerusalem’s destruction, 607 B.C.E.-Ezek. 9:5-7.

    ***w55 11/15 p.702 Questions From Readers***

    But the Mosaic law code specifically forbade putting to death a son for his father’s sin
    : "Fathers should not be put to death on account of children and children should not be put to death on account of fathers. Each one should be put to death for his own sin."—Deut. 24:16, NW.

    And these ones will not even have to have had a personal witness or warning.

    *** w00 1/15 p. 13 par. 17 "Keep on the Watch" ***

    Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.

    *** w97 8/15 p. 14 par. 11 Living for Today or for an Eternal Future? ***

    Today, Jehovah’s Witnesses carry out their work in 233 lands, island groups, and territories. True, untouched territories still exist, and perhaps in Jehovah’s due time, a door of opportunity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Still, Jesus’ words recorded at Matthew 10:23 are sobering: "You will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives." While the good news will surely be announced throughout the earth, we will not in person reach all parts of the earth with the Kingdom message before Jesus "arrives" as Executioner.

    Is the WTS permissive when it comes to its doctrines? Why does the WTS neglect to give examples of other religions supposed teaching that God accepts almost everyone? The WTS accepts only 6.5 million baptized JWs out of 6.5 billion people and even some of those 6.5 million are suspect.

    2) In fact, the Bible encourages us to fear God. (Revelation 14:7) That truth raises questions. Why does a loving God want us to fear him? What kind of fear does God require? How can fearing God benefit us? We will consider these questions as we continue our discussion of the 34th Psalm.

    Fear God or fear the WTS? If the WTS teaches something contrary to the Bible, who should you obey, the Bible or the WTS? What happens to JWs that adhere to Bible teaching? Aren’t they disfellowshipped and branded apostates? What happens if later the WTS "clarifies" its doctrine? If a JW had an organ transplant between 1967 and 1980, they would have been disfellowshipped, but if they had one starting after the 1980 Questions from Readers making it a conscience matter, they would not be. Would the person who had the transplant before 1967 and after 1980 be reinstated? No, because they disobeyed the WTS even though the WTS was wrong. Does that remind you of Jesus and his followers?

    Notice that an OT example is discussed rather than an NT example.

    Why Fear God

    Q3) (a) How do you view the command to fear God? (b) Why are fearers of Jehovah happy?

    3) As Creator and Sovereign Ruler of the universe, Jehovah deserves to be feared. (1 Peter 2:17) However, such fear is not abject terror of a cruel god. It is reverential awe because of who Jehovah is. It is also the fear of displeasing him. Godly fear is noble and uplifting, not depressing or terrifying. Jehovah, "the happy God," wants his human creation to enjoy life. (1 Timothy 1:11) To do so, however, we have to live in harmony with God's requirements. For many, that means a change in lifestyle. All who make the necessary change experience the truthfulness of the psalmist David's words: "Taste and see that Jehovah is good, O you people; happy is the able-bodied man that takes refuge in him. Fear Jehovah, you holy ones of his, for there is no lack to those fearing him." (Psalm 34:8, 9) Because they have a good relationship with God, all who fear Jehovah lack nothing of lasting value.

    such fear is not abject terror of a cruel god— but is abject terror of a cruel WTS organization

    Do JWs fear to displease God or the WTS? Why is it that the members run to the elders to get the WTS viewpoint, not to the Bible to get God’s?

    God may want us to enjoy life but does the WTS??

    How many rules are there regarding

    Size of parties

    Who is invited

    What beverages can be served

    When it can be held

    What movies can be watched

    What music can be listened to

    What TV shows can be watched

    What games can be played

    What sports can be viewed

    Add your own

    Good relationship with God— Where’s Jesus in this picture? How can Jesus be in a picture based on a OT character?

    Q4) What assurance did both David and Jesus give?

    4) Notice that as it applied in his day, David dignified his men by calling them "holy ones." They were part of God's holy nation. They were also risking their lives to follow David. Although they were on the run from King Saul, David was confident that Jehovah would continue supplying their basic needs. David wrote: "The maned young lions themselves have had little on hand and gone hungry; but as for those seeking Jehovah, they will not lack anything good." (Psalm 34:10) Jesus gave similar assurance to his followers. -Matthew 6:33.

    David dignified his men by calling them "holy ones."

    Who only are called "holy ones" in the WTS? The anointed. Are only the anointed JWs risking their lives to follow Jesus, "the Greater David"? The elders are called "gifts in men" and "princes."
    But what are the rest of the great crowd called? "Companions" and not even they are considered "sons of God" until the end of the 1,000 year reign and they pass the final test. Instead I heard a speaker call the audience, "good for nothing slaves" and even a worm.

    (Psalm 22:6) But I am a worm, and not a man,. . .

    Continue supplying their basic needs

    Does that mean that JWs never starve to death?

    *** yb02 p. 153 Ukraine ***

    In 1944, seven brothers from one congregation in Bukovina refused to join the military and were sentenced to from three to four years’ imprisonment each. Four of them starved to death in prison.

    *** yb02 p. 163 Ukraine ***

    In the late 1940’s, many of the brothers from Ukraine, Moldavia, and Belarus starved to death in Soviet prisons.

    Q5) (a) What was the background of many followers of Jesus? (b) What counsel did Jesus give on the matter of fear?

    5) Many of those who listened to Jesus were from the disadvantaged, lowly class of Jews. Thus, Jesus "felt pity for them, because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd." (Matthew 9:36) Would such lowly ones have the courage to follow Jesus? To do so, they would need to cultivate the fear of Jehovah, not of men. Jesus said: "Do not fear those who kill the body and after this are not able to do anything more. But I will indicate to you whom to fear: Fear him who after killing has authority to throw into Gehenna. Yes, I tell you, fear this One. Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them goes forgotten before God. But even the hairs of your heads are all numbered. Have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows."-Luke 12:4-7.

    Disadvantaged, lowly class of Jews

    "weak spiritually," "inactive," "irregular," brothers with no privileges, sisters with non-JW husbands

    people without a shepherd… ignored by the elders who only make the pretense of making shepherding calls, who expect the sheep to call out for help first not to go looking for the lost sheep. How did Jesus address the shepherds of his time and the shepherds of the WTS today?

    (John 8:44) 44 YOU are from YOUR father the Devil, and YOU wish to do the desires of YOUR father. That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of [the lie].

    ***w02 3/1 p.16 How Precious Is the Truth to You?***

    In Scotland some young lambs were grazing in a pasture when one of them strayed to the side of a hillock and tumbled onto a ledge below. It was uninjured, but it was frightened and unable to climb back. So it started to bleat plaintively. Its mother heard it, and she too began to bleat until the shepherd came and retrieved the young lamb.

    Notice the sequence of events. The lamb called for help, the ewe added her voice to its cries, and the alerted shepherd sprang into action to rescue it. If a very young animal and its mother can sense danger and immediately call for help, should we not do the same when we stumble spiritually or face unexpected dangers from Satan’s world? (James 5:14, 15; 1 Peter 5:8) We should, especially if we are lacking in experience either because we are young or because we are relatively new in the truth.

    Or is this how Jesus described it. Did the shepherd hear the sheep bleat? Or did he count the sheep and realize one was missing and left the 99 behind to go looking for the lost one?

    (Matthew 18:12-13) 12 "What do YOU think? If a certain man comes to have a hundred sheep and one of them gets strayed, will he not leave the ninety-nine upon the mountains and set out on a search for the one that is straying? 13 And if he happens to find it, I certainly tell YOU, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that have not strayed.

    Do these ones follow Jesus or an organization of men? Do they fear men who can’t see what they do or God who sees all things? Do the elders know the names of the children, the address and phone number of these "weak" ones or are they constantly having to call others in the congregation for the information?

    And who has the WTS consigned to Gehenna:

    Adam and Eve


    All the people who died at the flood

    All the people who died at Sodom and Gomorrah (though this has flipflopped over the years)

    All the religious leaders of Jesus day who did not repent

    All the apostates

    All non-JWs who die at Armageddon

    They teach that everyone who dies during a judgment period will not be resurrected: Was the destruction of Jerusalem at 607 (587) a judgment period; was the destruction of Jerusalem at 70 CE a judgment period?

    *** w52 6/1 p. 339 par. 18 "Get Out of Her, My People" ***

    Yet these Jews are adversely judged and condemned because nineteen centuries ago, back in their lifetime, during their judgment period, they rejected one more than Jonah and more than Solomon, namely Messiah Christ. They have no second chance in a second judgment period, in the millennium.

    [Picture on page 26] Fearers of Jehovah use discretion when under ban

    Q6) (a) What words of Jesus have strengthened Christians? (b) Why is Jesus the best example of displaying godly fear?

    6) When fearers of Jehovah are pressured by their enemies to stop serving God, they may call to mind Jesus' counsel: "Everyone that confesses union with me before men, the Son of man will also confess union with him before the angels of God. But he that disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God." (Luke 12:8, 9) Those words have strengthened Christians, especially in lands where true worship is banned. Such ones keep on praising Jehovah discreetly at Christian meetings and in their public ministry. (Acts 5:29) Jesus sets the best example in displaying "godly fear." (Hebrews 5:7) Speaking of him, the prophetic Word foretold: "Upon him the spirit of Jehovah must settle down, the spirit ... of the fear of Jehovah; and there will be enjoyment by him in the fear of Jehovah." (Isaiah 11: 2, 3) Hence, Jesus is eminently qualified to teach us the benefits of godly fear.

    Fearers of Jehovah— but not Christians

    Pressured by their enemies to stop serving God—but not following Christ

    Are JWs confessing union with Christ or Jehovah? By confession union with Jehovah but not Christ are they disowning Christ?

    Christians— only JWs

    Christian meetings—JWs meetings

    Public ministry—When JWs last called at your door did they mention Jesus or the kingdom?

    Out of several presentations, how many mention Jesus and kingdom? Are they directed to study the Bible or a WTS publication? Except for the sermon on "Jehovah God" not once is God mentioned as "Jehovah." What are they avoiding?

    *** km 1/06 pp. 4-5 How to Offer the Bible Teach Book ***

    Armageddon (here’s a fun one!)

    "When people hear the word ‘Armageddon,’ many think of mass destruction. Would it surprise you to learn that Armageddon is actually something to look forward to? (destruction of 6.5 billion non-JWs is a joy)[Allow for response. Then read Revelation 16:14, 16.] Notice this comment on what life will be like after Armageddon." Turn to pages 82-4, and read paragraph 21.


    "People often refer to the Bible as God’s Word. Have you ever wondered how a book that was penned by men could rightly be called the Word of God? [Allow for response. Then read 2 Peter 1:21 and paragraph 5 on pages 19-20.] This publication (not the Bible, a book other than the Bible is needed to explain the Bible)gives the Bible’s answers to these questions." Show the questions on page 6.

    "Nowadays, people have access to more information than ever before. But where do you think we can find sound counsel that can help us to lead happy, successful lives? [Allow for response. Then read 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 and paragraph 12 on page 23.] This publication explains how we can live in a way that pleases God and benefits us." Show the chart and the picture on pages 122-3.

    Death/Resurrection (CARROT)

    "Many people wonder what really happens at death. Do you think it is possible for us to know? [Allow for response. Then read Ecclesiastes 9:5 and paragraphs 5-6 on pages 58-9.] This book also explains what the Bible’s promise of a resurrection will mean for those who have died." Show the picture on page 75.

    "When someone we love dies, it’s natural to want to see that person again. Wouldn’t you agree? [Allow for response.] Many have found comfort in the Bible’s promise of a resurrection. [Read John 5:28, 29 and paragraphs 16-17 on pages 71-2.] This chapter also answers these questions." Show the introductory questions on page 66.

    Everlasting Life (CARROT)

    "Most people desire good health and a long life. But if it was possible, would you want to live forever? [Allow for response. Then read Revelation 21:3, 4 and paragraph 17 on page 54.] This book discusses how we can gain everlasting life and what life will be like when that promise becomes a reality."


    "All of us are interested in having a happy family life. Wouldn’t you agree? [Allow for response.] The Bible speaks of something that everyone in the family can do to contribute to family happiness—imitate God in showing love." Read Ephesians 5:1, 2 and paragraph 4 on page 135.


    "In many places, finding a decent place to live that is affordable has become more difficult. Do you think that one day there will be adequate housing for everyone? [Allow for response. Then read Isaiah 65:21, 22 and paragraph 20 on page 34.] This publication explains how this promise from God will be fulfilled."

    Jehovah God

    "Many people who believe in God would like to feel closer to him. Did you know that the Bible invites us to draw close to him? [Allow for response. Then read James 4:8a and paragraph 20 on page 16.]This publication has been prepared to help people to learn more about God, using their own copy of the Bible." Show introductory questions on page 8.

    "Many people pray for God’s name to be sanctified, or hallowed. Have you ever wondered what that name is? [Allow for response. Then read Psalm 83:18 and paragraphs 2-3 on page 195.] This book explains what the Bible really teaches about Jehovah God and his purpose for mankind."

    Jesus Christ

    "People around the earth have heard of Jesus Christ. Some say he was no more than an outstanding man. Others worship him as God Almighty. Do you think it matters what we believe about Jesus Christ?" Allow for response. Then read John 17:3 and paragraph 3 on pages 37-8.Direct attention to the introductory questions below the chapter title.


    "Have you ever wondered how God answers prayers? [Allow for response. Then read 1 John 5:14, 15 and paragraphs 16-18 on pages 170-2.] This chapter also explains why we should pray to God and what we must do to be heard by him."


    "Many people are beginning to view the world’s religions as a cause of mankind’s problems rather than a solution. Do you think religion is leading people in the right direction? [Allow for response. Then read Matthew 7:13, 14 and paragraph 5 on pages 145-6.] This chapter examines six features that identify the worship that God approves." Show list on page 147.


    "When a tragedy occurs, many question whether God really cares about people and notices their suffering. Have you ever wondered about that? [Allow for response. Then read 1 Peter 5:7 and paragraph 11 on page 11.] This publication explains how God will completely eliminate mankind’s suffering." Show introductory questions on page 106.


    "People everywhere long for peace. Do you think that the hope of peace on earth is just a dream? [Allow for response. Then read Psalm 46:8, 9.] This publication discusses how God will fulfill his purpose and bring about global peace." Show the picture on page 35, and consider paragraphs 17-21 on pages 33-4.

    How does Jesus set the best example in displaying "godly fear"?

    Q7) (a) How do Christians, in effect, respond to an invitation similar to one that David extended? (b) How can parents follow David's good example?

    7) All who follow Jesus' example and who obey his teachings are, in effect, responding to an invitation similar to one that David extended: "Come, you sons, listen to me; the fear of Jehovah is what I shall teach you." (Psalm 34:11) It was natural for David to address his men as "sons" because they looked to him as their leader. For his part, David gave spiritual help to his followers so that they could be united and enjoy God's favor. What a fine example that is for Christian parents! Jehovah has given them authority regarding their sons and daughters to "go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah." (Ephesians 6:4) By daily discussing spiritual matters with their children and by conducting a regular Bible study with them, parents help their young ones to enjoy life in the fear of Jehovah. -Deuteronomy 6:6, 7.

    It was natural for David to address his men as "sons" because they looked to him as their leader.

    David supposedly represents Jesus; were Jesus followers his sons or his brothers?

    Do only the anointed look to Jesus as leader?

    Is Jesus a parent since he is called the "Eternal Father" in Isaiah 9:6?

    In the congregations I have been in, few parents study the Bible on a regular basis with their children. Few parents do any personal study. And few husbands study with their wives. I can remember one elder tell another not to mention to his own wife that this other elder studied with his wife or his wife would expect the same. How sad to think that married Christian couples would not discuss God’s Word together. But unfortunately, JWs do not study the Bible together but only WTS publications.

    How to Practice Godly Fear

    8, 9. (a) What makes a God-fearing lifestyle so appealing? (b) What is involved in safeguarding our tongue?

    8) As noted earlier, fearing Jehovah does not deprive us of joy. David asked: "Who is the man that is delighting in life, that is loving enough days to see what is good?" (Psalm 34: 12) Clearly, the fear of Jehovah is the key to enjoying a long life and seeing good. However, it is easy to make the claim, "I fear God." It is another matter to prove it by our conduct. Hence, David proceeds to explain how we can show godly fear.

    Fearing Jehovah does not deprive us of joy— fearing the WTS and is representatives does.

    How many JWs stay they "fear God" but do not show it by their conduct. How many do and say things that God sees and hears but humans do not? As long as the elders and other JWs don’t know, it doesn’t matter. They say you can’t prove it to the satisfaction of a judicial committee. As if a JC has the power of life and death.

    9) "Safeguard your tongue against what is bad, and your lips against speaking deception." (Psalm 34:13) The apostle Peter was inspired to quote this part of Psalm 34 after he counseled Christians to treat one another with brotherly affection. (1 Peter 3:8-12) Safeguarding our tongue from what is bad means that we will avoid spreading harmful gossip. Instead, we will always strive to be upbuilding when we talk to others. Further, we will strive to be courageous and speak the truth. -Ephesians 4:25, 29, 31; James 5:16.

    Brotherly affection— what is the WTS definition of this? When I first read this article I foolishly hoped that I would see changes in the congregation. Good thing I did not hold my breath.

    ***w88 10/1 p.11 par.4 Appreciation for Our Brothers***

    Are our love and appreciation for our brothers inclined to be expressed only to those we like? Do we tend to be generous toward these, closing our eyes to their shortcomings, while being quick to notice the faults and failings of others with whom we feel no natural affinity?
    said: "If you love [form of a·ga·pa´o] those loving you, what reward do you have? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing?"—Matthew 5:46.

    On the pretext that the Scriptures allow for our having warmer feelings for some brothers than for others, are we inclined to rationalize our feelings?
    (John 19:26; 20:2) Do we think we can express a cold, reasoned "love" to some because we have to, while we reserve warm brotherly affection for those to whom we are attracted? If so, we have missed the point of Peter’s exhortation. We have not sufficiently purified our souls by our obedience to the truth, for Peter says: "Now that by obedience to the truth you have purified your souls until you feel sincere affection towards your brother Christians, love one another whole-heartedly with all your strength."—1 Peter 1:22, TheNew English Bible.

    How do we feel deep down in our hearts toward some of the brothers and sisters in the congregation? Do we greet them at meetings with a forced smile, quickly looking away or passing on? Worse still, do we try to avoid having to greet them at all? If so, what can be said of our "obedience to the truth" that should have purified our souls to the point of our feeling sincere affection toward our fellow Christians? By using the word "unhypocritical," Peter is saying that our affection for our brothers must not be put on for show. It must be genuine, heartfelt.

    Q10) (a) Explain what it means to turn away from what is bad. (b) What is involved in doing what is good?

    10) "Turn away from what is bad, and do what is good; seek to find peace, and pursue it." (Psalm 34:14) We avoid things that God condemns, such as sexual immorality, pornography, theft, spiritism, violence, drunkenness, and drug abuse. We also reject entertainment that features such disgusting things. (Ephesians 5:10-12) Instead, we use our time to do what is good. The greatest good that we can do is to share regularly in the Kingdom preaching and disciple-making work, helping others to gain salvation. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20) Doing good also includes preparing for and attending Christian meetings, contributing to the worldwide work, caring for our Kingdom Hall, and being concerned about the needs of disadvantaged Christians.

    Entertainment—sexual immorallity, pornography, theft, spiritism, violence, drunkenness, drug abuse.

    Football = gladiatorial games

    *** w02 8/15 p. 29 Do You Remember? ***

    The violent and deadly gladiatorial events of the Roman Empire have been compared to what modern spectator sports?
    A recent exhibit in the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, suggested modern parallels by including video clips of bullfighting, professional boxing, auto and motorcycle races, and spectator fights at other modern sports events. Early Christians took to heart that Jehovah does not love violence or violent ones, and neither should Christians today. (Psalm 11:5)—6/15, page 29.

    Greatest good…share regularly in the Kingdom preaching ( although the word "kingdom" does not appear in WT door to door sermons and disciple-making work (although most JWs avoid making return visits and conducting Bible studies because it takes up too much of their recreational time; and everlasting life does not depend on making a disciple, only getting in one hour a month).


    All JWs have to do is attending Christian (JW) meetings, preparation is not required for everlasting life. Contributing to the worldwide work---who will know if you do or not since it is confidential and God will provide. Caring for the Kingdom Hall—a job for the flunky JWs not ones with serious responsibilities like the elders and the MS.

    Being concerned about the needs of disadvantaged Christians— only JWs and only after giving your money to the worldwide work. Any money comes out of the individual pockets of JWs not the congregation. JWs have to be long-time JWs in good-standing to hope to get a dime from the congregation funds.

    That just about eliminates everything including Disney entertainment.

    Q11) (a) How did David practice what he preached about peace? (b) What can you do to `pursue peace' in the congregation?

    11) David set a good example in pursuing peace. Twice he had the opportunity to kill Saul. On both occasions, he refrained from violence and later spoke respectfully to the king, hoping to restore peace. (1 Samuel 24: 8-11; 26:17-20) What can be done today when a situation threatens to disturb the peace of the congregation? We should "seek to find peace, and pursue it." Thus, if we sense that relations between us and a fellow believer are strained, we obey Jesus' counsel: "First make your peace with your brother." Then we continue with other aspects of true worship.-Matthew 5:23, 24; Ephesians 4:26.

    Twice he had the opportunity to kill Saul. On both occasions, he refrained from violence and later spoke respectfully to the king, hoping to restore peace.

    Are ex-JWs advocating killing anointed JWs or the GB. Not at all. Some have even written and communicated with the administration to show that they are not following God’s word. But just as Saul strove to maintain his authority, authority that God had removed from him, the WTS/GB has put their own words and actions above God’s.

    The WTS/FDS/GB believes that opposition from the outside proves they have God’s backing. Rather than seek peace with the WTS, ex-JWs merely keep presently the facts about what the WTS has said and done, and hang them with their own words and actions.

    Did Jesus seek peace with the religious leaders of his time? Did he validate their illusion that God was supporting their words and actions?


    Matthew 23:27-28) 27 "Woe to YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because YOU resemble whitewashed graves, which outwardly indeed appear beautiful but inside are full of dead men’s bones and of every sort of uncleanness. 28 In that way YOU also, outwardly indeed, appear righteous to men, but inside YOU are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
    (Matthew 23:33-36) 33 "Serpents, offspring of vipers, how are YOU to flee from the judgment of Ge·hen´na?34 For this reason, here I am sending forth to YOU prophets and wise men and public instructors. Some of them YOU will kill and impale, and some of them YOU will scourge in YOUR synagogues and persecute from city to city; 35 that there may come upon YOU all the righteous blood spilled on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zech·a·ri´ah son of Bar·a·chi´ah, whom YOU murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. 36 Truly I say to YOU, All these things will come upon this generation.


    Matthew 23:13-14) 13 "Woe to YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because YOU shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men; for YOU yourselves do not go in, neither do YOU permit those on their way in to go in. 14 ——

    Fearing God Brings Rich Rewards

    Q12, 13) (a) What present benefits do fearers of God enjoy? (b) What grand reward will faithful worshippers shortly enjoy?

    12) "The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their cry for help." (Psalm 34:15) The record of God's dealings with David proves that those words are true. Today, we experience deep joy and inner peace because we know that Jehovah is watching over us. We are confident that he will always respond to our needs, even when we are under great stress. We know that soon all true worshippers will face the foretold attack of Gog of Magog and the "fear-inspiring day of Jehovah." (Joel 2:11, 31; Ezekiel 38:14-18, 21-23) Whatever situation we then have to face, David's words will be true in our case: "They cried out, and Jehovah himself heard, and out of all their distresses he delivered them."-Psalm 34:17.

    Yes, David could certainly be grateful that he was allowed to live as an adulterer and a murderer when other Israelites would have been put to death. There was no clause of "repentance" or "mercy" for such people.

    I wonder if elders, COs, DOs, and Bethelites, get special treatment by judicial committees when they commit adultery?

    Can we be confident that as rank and file JWs that we will get the same special consideration that David received under the Law?

    SOON all true worshippers (ONLY JWS) will face the foretold attack of Gog of Magog

    1. Who is Gog of Magog? Has the WTS always taught the same thing?
    2. The WTS once taught that Gog was a secondary spirit creature under Satan’s command.

      *** w53 10/1 p. 581 par. 3 New World Society Attacked from the Far North ***

      In 1932 the Watch Tower Society published Book Two of a series entitled "Vindication." This book took up part of Ezekiel’s prophecy and, without wanting to be dogmatic on Gog’s identity, page 311 set forth this conclusion about him: "Gog is one of the princes in Satan’s organization, invisible, of course, to human eyes, with a possibility of the power to materialize in human form. The land of Magog pictures the spiritual or invisible realm of Satan, and includes Gog and all the wicked angels within his division of Satan’s organization, and which ‘bear rule over all the earth’."

      *** w53 10/1 pp. 580-581 par. 3 New World Society Attacked from the Far North ***

      Back in 1897 the Watch Tower Society published the fourth volume of the StudiesintheScriptures, first entitled "The Day of Vengeance" and later given a change of title to "The Battle of Armageddon." In chapter eleven this book set forth that the nation of Israel restored to the land of Palestine would be the object of Gog’s attack, and, on page 554, it said: "Israel will finally be besieged by hosts of merciless plunderers, designated by the prophet as the hosts of Gog and Magog (Ezek. 38), and great will be the distress of defenceless Israel."

      Now they teach that Satan is Gog of Magog.

      *** w54 6/1 p. 341 par. 22 1926 Ushers In a Time of Great Happiness ***

      Now looking ahead we see the final cleansing attack at Armageddon, described in Ezekiel 38:4, 12, as Jehovah’s putting hooks into the jaws of Gog, or Satan, and forcing him to come forth and display himself and his opposition to Jehovah and Jehovah’s people. This attack will reveal who are the integrity-maintaining and devoted people of Jehovah, and who, on the other hand, are unfit, corrupt, unfaithful, faithless and wicked within that organization. These fiery trials will not permanently harm Jehovah’s faithful people. On the contrary, rather they will work to their ultimate blessing and the glory of Jehovah.

    3. When does the attack of Gog of Magog begin?
    4. ***w051/15 p.19 par.18 Foregleams of God’s Kingdom Become a Reality***

      After the destruction of Babylon the Great,
      in his role as Gog of Magog, Satan will launch an all-out attack against Jehovah’s peaceful Witnesses. Coming up "like clouds to cover the land," Gog’s hordes will expect an easy victory. What a shock awaits them!

    5. How will JWs be protected? Will Gog attack the anointed or the great crowd?
    6. *** w97 3/1 pp. 14-15 par. 3 Happy Are Those Who Stay Awake! ***

      Yes, Jehovah will rescue his people and destroy every last vestige of Satan’s system when we reach the world situation called Har–Magedon, or Armageddon. Read the prophetic words of Ezekiel 38:21-23, and visualize the scene. Jehovah wields his power to bring about flooding cloudbursts, devastating hailstones, streaking fire, deadly pestilence. Panic reigns worldwide as Gog’s hordes are thrown into confusion, fighting against one another. Any surviving foes of Almighty God are executed as Jehovah uses supernatural means to save his servants. When the foretold "great tribulation" has run its course, nothing will be left of Satan’s ungodly system. (Matthew 24:21) Even in their death throes, however, the wicked will learn who is responsible for their calamity. Our victorious God himself says: "They will have to know that I am Jehovah." These extraordinary events will occur in our day, during Jesus’ presence.

      13) How thrilling it will be at that time to see Jehovah magnify his great name! Our hearts will be filled with greater awe and reverence than ever before, and all opposers will meet a humiliating end. "The face of Jehovah is against those doing what is bad, to cut off the mention of them from the very earth." (Psalm 34:16) What a rich reward it will be to experience that grand deliverance into God's righteous new world!

      Magnify his great name— by destroying 6.5 billion men, women and children who will not have had an individual witness.

      grand deliverance into God’s righteous new world

      Promises That Help Us Endure

      Q14) What will help us to endure despite calamities?

      14 Meanwhile, to continue obeying Jehovah in a corrupt and hostile world requires endurance. Godly fear is a great aid as we cultivate obedience. Because of the critical times in which we live, some servants of Jehovah experience extreme hardships that break their heart and crush their spirit, as it were. However, they can be absolutely sure that if they look to Jehovah, he will help them to endure. David's words convey true comfort: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves." (Psalm 34:18) Encouragingly, David went on to say: "Many are the calamities of the righteous one, but out of them all Jehovah delivers him." (Psalm 34:19) No matter how many calamities befall us, Jehovah is strong enough to deliver us.

      Obey Jehovah— or obeying the WTS organization?

      Servants of Jehovah— only JWs, what about Christians?

      Look to Jehovah— What about Jesus? Our examplar?

      David was certainly delivered out of execution as an adulterer and a murderer.

      Is God strong enough to deliver us out of crimes such as adultery and murder? Or the deaths of 70,000 innocent people who died for our sins?

      Did David have a choice that would affect him alone and not others

      (2 Samuel 24:10-17) 10 And David’s heart began to beat him after he had so numbered the people. Consequently David said to Jehovah: "I have sinned very much in what I have done. And now, Jehovah, let your servant’s error pass by, please; for I have acted very foolishly." 11 When David proceeded to rise up in the morning, Jehovah’s word itself came to Gad the prophet, David’s visionary, saying: 12 "Go, and you must say to David, ‘This is what Jehovah has said: "Three things I am laying upon you. Choose for yourself one of them that I may do it to you."’" 13 Accordingly Gad came in to David and told him and said to him: "Should there come to you seven years of famine in your land, or three months of your fleeing before your adversaries, with them pursuing you, or the occurring of three days of pestilence in your land? Now know and see what I shall reply to the One sending me." 14 So David said to Gad: "It is very distressing to me. Let us fall, please, into the hand of Jehovah, for many are his mercies; but into the hand of man do not let me fall."15 Then Jehovah gave a pestilence in Israel from the morning until the time appointed, so that out of the people from Dan to Be´er-she´ba seventy thousand persons died. 16 And the angel kept his hand thrust out toward Jerusalem to bring it to ruin; and Jehovah began to feel regret over the calamity, and so he said to the angel that was bringing ruin among the people: "It is enough! Now let your hand drop." And Jehovah’s angel himself happened to be close by the threshing floor of A·rau´nah the Jeb´u·site. 17 And David proceeded to say to Jehovah, when he saw the angel that was striking the people down, yes, he proceeded to say: "Here it is I that have sinned and it is I that have done wrong; but these sheep—what have they done? Let your hand, please, come upon me and upon the house of my father."

      Lest we forget Uzzah who died because David disregarded the laws regarding the transport of the ark of the covenant.

      [Picture on page 28] The greatest good we can do for our neighbors is to share with them the good news of the Kingdom

      Q15, 16) (a) What calamity did David learn of soon after composing Psalm 34? (b) What will help us endure trials?

      15) Soon after composing Psalm 34, David heard of the calamity that had befallen the inhabitants of Nob, when Saul massacred them and most of the priests. How distressed he must have been to recall that it was his visit to Nob that provoked Saul's wrath! (1 Samuel 22:13, 18-21) David no doubt turned to Jehovah for help, and he surely took comfort in the prospect of a future resurrection of "the righteous."-Acts 24:15.

      I wondered if he was distressed when he had Uriah killed and the 70,000 died for his sins?

      No doubt
      (buzz phrase that means the WTS is going to add to the Bible account) …took comfort in the prospect of a future resurrection of the righteous…that’s right he comforted himself that Uriah and the 70,000 would be resurrected.

      Where is the proof that David believed in the resurrection?

      Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection.

      16) Today, the resurrection hope strengthens us too. We know that nothing our enemies do can cause us lasting harm. (Matthew 10:28) David expressed similar conviction in these words: "He is guarding all the bones of [the righteous] one; not one of them has been broken." (Psalm 34:20) That verse had a literal fulfillment in the case of Jesus. Though Jesus was cruelly put to death, not one of his bones was "crushed." (John 19:36) In an extended application, Psalm 34:20 assures us that no matter what trials anointed Christians and their "other sheep" companions face, they will never be permanently disadvantaged. Their bones will never be crushed, figuratively speaking. John 10:16.

      We know that nothing our enemies do can cause us lasting harm.

      Is this an indirect way of telling JWs who have been told for years that they would never die that if they do die it won’t be forever?

      Do JWs know why it was necessary for the Lamb of God not to have any of his bones broken?

      *** it-1 p. 353 Bones ***

      At the institution of the Passover, Jehovah commanded that the lamb (or goat) be roasted whole and "you must not break a bone in it." (Ex 12:46)

      anointed Christians and their "other sheep" companions

      Every time I saw this in the WTS publications it made me think that we were not Christians.

      Q17) What calamity awaits unrepentant haters of Jehovah's people?

      17) For the wicked, the situation is different. Soon they will reap the bad they have sown. "Calamity will put the wicked one himself to death; and the very ones hating the righteous one will be held guilty." (Psalm 34:21) All who continue to oppose God's people face the worst possible calamity. At the revelation of Jesus Christ, they "will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction." -2 Thessalonians 1:9.

      The wicked— all non-JWs, 6.5 billion men, women and children most who have never received a personal witness

      God’s people— only JWs

      Oppose— just by not being JWs

      Face worst possible calamity— dying forever without even a hope of a resurrection—eternal destruction

      *** w65 3/15 pp. 175-176 pars. 8-14 Our Own Twentieth-Century Generation and the Resurrection ***

      The "goats" would also include those husbands and wives who have believing marriage partners but who, in spite of the good example of their believing marriage mates, are found to be still unbelievers in the day and at the hour of the execution of God’s judgment against this enemy world; also, the children of a believing parent or the children of believing parents (fathers and mothers), which children were once "holy" as minors, as unresponsible children, but who have grown up to responsible years and have refused to become dedicated, baptized believers by the time that divine execution upon the "goats" begins.—1 Cor. 7:12-16
      In other words, at the time of the execution of divine judgment the "goats" would be all those persons, young and old, who have not become "sheep" and who have not been gathered into the "one fold" under the "one shepherd," where the small remnant of the Shepherd’s spiritual brothers are.—John 10:16; Rev. 7:9-17.

      The undedicated children of goatish people will not be spared from execution and being sentenced to Gehenna just because they are themselves minor, unresponsible children. This hard fact is illustrated in the orders that Jehovah God issued to his executioners when apostate Jerusalem was to be destroyed. To his executioners he said: "Pass through the city after him [the man who marked the ones to be spared] and strike. Let not your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion. Old man, young man and virgin and little child and women you should kill off." And that is what they did, as illustrated in Jerusalem’s destruction, 607 B.C.E.-Ezek. 9:5-7.

      Executed along with the "goats" at Armageddon will be the remnant of the "evil slave" class, the "wicked and sluggish slave" class, who were once Christ’s spiritual brothers but who cease to be such because of turning unfaithful and traitors. They will have no heavenly resurrection.—Matt. 24:48-51; 25:24-30.
      Where do the executed "goats" go when sent out of the King’s presence? Not into Ha´des or Sheol, where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and other faithful witnesses of Jehovah God are. No; they go into the symbolic "everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels." (Matt. 25:41) This "everlasting fire" is certainly not found down in Ha´des or Sheol. Even Jesus’ parable of the rich man and the beggar Lazarus does not prove that the Gehenna fire or the "fiery lake that burns with sulphur" is in Ha´des or Sheol. (Luke 16:19-31) What, then, does this punishment with something everlasting mean? It means the very opposite of everlasting life. In other words, it means the everlasting punishment of endless destruction. That it means such endless destruction is indicated by Jesus’ closing words regarding the unrighteous "goat" class:
      "And these will depart into everlasting cutting-off [or, everlasting punishment], but the righteous ones into everlasting life."—Matt. 25:46, NW;AV. Such "goats" who get executed at the destruction of Babylon the Great or in the battle of Armageddon will not go into "everlasting life" in any form, nor even in endless conscious torment. Being destroyed as by fire, they will have no resurrection.

      Q18) In what sense are the "great crowd" already redeemed, and what will they experience in the future?

      18) David's psalm concludes with these reassuring words: "Jehovah is redeeming the soul of his servants; and none of those taking refuge in him will be held guilty." (Psalm 34:22) Near the end of his 40-year reign, King David said: "[God] redeemed my soul out of all distress." (1 Kings 1:29) Like David, fearers of Jehovah will soon be able to look back and rejoice at being redeemed from any guilt because of sin and rescued from all their trials. Already, most anointed Christians have received their heavenly reward. "A great crowd" from all nations are now joining the remaining ones of Jesus' brothers in serving God and as a result enjoy a clean standing before Jehovah. This is because they exercise faith in the redeeming power of Jesus' shed blood. During the coming Thousand Year Reign of Christ, the full benefits of the ransom sacrifice will be applied to them, raising them to human perfection. -Revelation 7:9, 14, 17; 21:3-5.

      look back and rejoice at being redeemed from any guilt because of sin and rescued from all their trials

      Will they be rescued from murdering, adultery, disobedience that leads to the deaths of others, lying?

      Most anointed Christians (only JWs) have received their heavenly reward.

      1. 8760
      2. 8585
      3. 8570
      4. 8524
      5. 8758
      6. Do you see a decrease here? And with the recent 5/1/07 Question From Readers admitting there is no scriptural basis for 1935 being a cut off of the heavenly calling, how many more will there be in 2007?

        "A great crowd" from all nations are now joining the remaining ones of Jesus' brothers in serving

        Did you know that the "great crowd" will not be adopted into God’s family as Christ’s brothers until the end of the 1,000 year reign and the final test? Only the anointed as "Christ’s brothers." What does that make the great crowd? Companions?

        Did you know that the WTS once taught that the "ancient worthies" such as Abraham, Isaac, David, Job, etc., would be resurrected perfect instantly and rule as kings in earthly Jerusalem?

        Since there were billions of humans and only 144,001 members of mankind's time and space bound Savior and these were usually invisible, The Christ class would need help to lift mankind up from sin and imperfection. The Christ would employ the help and assistance of the "ancient worthies" of the Old Testament such as Abraham. The ancient worthies would be headquartered in Jerusalem and communicate The Christ's orders from there, perhaps through the newly invented radio, they said. [50]The Golden Age magazine would also continue to be published, perhaps by the ancient worthies to continue its vital program of world illumination.

        50. The Golden Age, Oct. 6, 1926 said that Abraham would soon speak to the world via radio.

        Q19) What are members of the "great crowd" determined to do?

        19) Why will all these blessings come to the "great crowd" of God's worshippers? Because they are determined to continue fearing Jehovah, serving him with awe-filled wonder and reverential obedience. Indeed, the fear of Jehovah makes life enjoyable now and helps us "get a firm hold on the real life"-everlasting life in God's new world. -1 Timothy 6:12,18,19; Revelation 15:3, 4.

        God’s worshippers— only JWs

        Fearing Jehovah, serving him— Where’s Jesus?

        Fear of Jehovah = Fear of the WTS/FDS/GB

        real life—everlasting life in God’s new world (minus 6.5 billion men, women and children all non-JWs)

        Do You Remember?

        • Why should we fear God, and what does fearing him mean?

        • What effect should godly fear have on our conduct?

        • What rewards come from being Godfearing?

        • What promises help us to endure?

        Concluding Comments

        We have been cleaning up the garage, the flower beds, taking stuff to the compost pile, and hopefully spring clean our vehicle. I have stupervising mostly because of my lack of energy. I have some more tests coming up. I have been sleeping better…it must be the pills. The sun is out but it is a little cool. So many events in the world today. I was reading about some events that happened in the past where a gunman who killed the teacher and 16 young students in Dunblane, Scotland, the gunman who massacred 32 people in the town of Port Arthur, Australia, the man who entered a school in Japan in June 2001 and knifed to death 8 young students, and knifed 15 other people. I had almost forgotten these things until recent events. I live in a large university town that had a bomb set off 37 years ago. I remember that every day as many as 33 people are bombed in Iraq and many more children die of starvation and disease.

        The WTS says that the greatest good we can do for our neighbors is to share with them the good news of the kingdom. But what they share are WT publications. What good is a tract when people are starving and disease-ridden?

        I have finally put my money where my mouth is. I have started donating to local and international groups that put the money to good use, not into administrative costs. I look at the fat slob I am and figured I can forgo a donut a day and help a child eat.

        Well, end of that sermon.

        Hope you all are finding some joy today. I have this cute, smiling man coming around to cheer me up.

        Love, Blondie

    7. Borgia


      When I read the title of the "study"-article I instantly had to think of this bible text:

      (1 John 4:15-19) “. . .Whoever makes the confession that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, God remains in union with such one and he in union with God. 16 And we ourselves have come to know and have believed the love that God has in our case. God is love, and he that remains in love remains in union with God and God remains in union with him. 17 This is how love has been made perfect with us, that we may have freeness of speech in the day of judgment, because, just as that one is, so are we ourselves in this world. 18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love throws fear outside, because fear exercises a restraint. Indeed, he that is under fear has not been made perfect in love. 19 As for us, we love, because he first loved us.”

      I still am trying to get my head around the simple question of what good this article should be.......

      But as for your analysis: Great!



    8. jgnat

      Glad to see your study coming around, Blondie. I've been worried about you. I've been saving my notes since yesterday, hubby asked me to study for him. I can't bear to read the materials any more without adding my own commentary, so here it is.

      Para 1 In what different ways has Christendom viewed the fear of God?

      Para 3 b Why are fearers of Jehovah happy?

      This question reminded me of the cult questionnaire we reviewed this week. It is the mark of a cult to direct people how they are to feel. In this case they take a negative emotion, fear, and tell it's followers they are to be happy about it.

      Don't feel your feelings

      Denial of the truth. Reversal of reality. Rationalization and Denial.

      Para 6 Dreaded ellipses Isaiah 11:2,3. Here's the full quote from the KJV, the ommitted sections in the WT are bolded:

      Isa 11:1-2¶ And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;

      I am beginning to understand that the Hebrew scriptures are full of bundles and patterns of words. Here is described a well-rounded hero who has a bundle of great features (not the premier that is fear).




      understanding, discernment


      counsel, advice, purpose


      strength, might



      yirah (fear) - 1)

      fear, terror, fearing


      fear, terror


      awesome or terrifying thing (object causing fear)


      fear (of God), respect, reverence, piety



      Para 8, 12, 13, 16 Carrots. JW's do it for the reward. Fear Jehovah and you get Paradise. Don't fear Jehovah and die. "Our hearts will be filled with greater awe and reverence than ever before, and all opposers will meet a humilating end." How sweet.

      Para 10 list of works. What is the essential doctrine? What is good? What is bad? I see also that the "good" JW is only obliged to be concerned about the needs of disadvantaged Witnesses Christians.

      Para 11. David also knew how to preserve his neck. When Saul set out to kill him, he set off for the hills. If a modern JW did that, would he still be accepted in the congregation?

    9. compound complex
      compound complex

      Greetings Blondie,

      So nice to have someone there to cheer you up! After reassembling such an article to make it somewhat more usable, who wouldn't need a little cheering up? And you're right - we donot need a donut. There are better ways to spend money and it's liberating to realize that we can direct our resources to entities worthier than the WT [not worthy at all].
      Thanx for the study; glad you're feeling better.


    10. bronzefist

      Thanks again Blondie for your hard work.


    11. nvrgnbk

      And who has the WTS consigned to Gehenna:

      Adam and Eve


      All the people who died at the flood

      All the people who died at Sodom and Gomorrah (though this has flipflopped over the years)

      All the religious leaders of Jesus day who did not repent

      All the apostates

      All non-JWs who die at Armageddon

      They teach that everyone who dies during a judgment period will not be resurrected: Was the destruction of Jerusalem at 607 (587) a judgment period; was the destruction of Jerusalem at 70 CE a judgment period?

      What about all the Egyptian firstborns killed by the angel of death(10th plague)?

      What about the 185,000 Assyrian soldiers smitten by an angel whilst they were sleeping?

      What of the Egyptian soldiers that died in the Red Sea?

      What of those that died because of David's illegal census?

      Thanks Blondie! I'm sure the list of Gehenna-bound will continue to grow.


    12. Blueblades

      Blondie. Recycling is a pattern that the Watchtower keeps on doing. Cut, paste, and copy. Thematics keep circulating. No matter how they try to make it look like they are giving new insights on a theme, ( Such as this one on Enjoy Life, fear Jah ) the critical thinker such as yourself Blondie can see right through it.

      How can one enjoy life when they are constantly placed in an atmosphere of fear, that the axe is on their neck if they slip up and don't fear this Jah of the Hebrew Scriptures who has killed untold numbers for not fearing him enough. Of cause, David always gets a pass.

      Your comments are always on point no matter how the Watchtower tries to put a different spin on each week's theme.

      Enjoy the rest of the Spring, it's getting warmer.


    13. BluesBrother

      Following a formula - to find a passage of Scripture, comment on it verse by verse and apply everything to the modern cong. and move the reader to do more in the Ministry ...That is about the sum total of the article

      10) "Turn away from what is bad, and do what is good; seek to find peace, and pursue it." (Psalm 34:14) We avoid things that God condemns, such as sexual immorality, pornography, theft, spiritism, violence, drunkenness, and drug abuse. We also reject entertainment that features such disgusting things. (Ephesians 5:10-12) Instead, we use our time to do what is good. The greatest good that we can do is to share regularly in the Kingdom preaching and disciple-making work, helping others to gain salvation. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20) Doing good also includes preparing for and attending Christian meetings, contributing to the worldwide work, caring for our Kingdom Hall, and being concerned about the needs of disadvantaged Christians.

      I used to hate it when some speakers would rail against some music or practice that they disliked anyway, an then mention in conversation some film they had seen that was far worse in content..something about glass houses and throwing stones??

      "contributing to the worldwide work and caring for the needs of disadvantaged Christians Witnesses"

      Coincidentally today I heard a public speaker trumpet how after hurricane Katrina the Witnesses took in other Witnesses and gave them shelter. Totally ignoring the much greater (in numbers at least) work of ALL the groups who cared for people without asking their religion first..Did not the Bible say "If you do good to those doing good to you, of what credit is it to you? For even the sinners do the same" Luke 6.33

      I noted how they blur together the fear of God with obedience to themselves, but I suppose that is normal .. Stick with us and gain material paradise beyond all that money can buy, or leave and get slaughtered..That is the choice. If you believed it , what would you do?

    14. Room 215
      Room 215

      Nice work, as usual, Blondie. Many JWs, not least the leaders, denigrate the work of charitable organizations with the charge that the administrators of such groups line their pockets with much of the donations. If this is your concern, then I suggest having a look at, a not-for-profit evaluator of most of the better known large philanthropic organizations.

    15. jgnat

      I wonder how the WTS would rate on the charitynavigator? Hmmmm?

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