will my Mom be in some big trouble?

by freebird2000 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freebird2000

    It has been 13 years since I flew the coop,so I am not sure what changes or might I say new insight has come about.

    Here is the problem. My Mom who has been a witness for 18 years and is 73 years old has lymphoma of the brain.

    In order to have a chance at all she is taking chemo and has decided to accept blood platlets.

    She is still a loyal j.w. and nothing has changed to her.She understands what she is doing but evidently thinks it won't matter.

    Under these circumstances does anyone know what or if they will take disciplinary action?

  • Balsam

    Fractions of blood are allowed now, your mother will likely not face any kind of discipline. I'm not positive on the blood platlets you need to read at:


  • SirNose586

    Whole platelets? They're not going to be very happy about that, no.

  • jgnat

    If everyone stays mum I hope it will be OK.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    Sorry to hear about your mom. Wishing all the best.

  • Elsewhere

    Last I checked medical information is confidential.

    If someone, other than your mother, tells the elders they will be violating some very serious laws.

    If someone does tell the elders, deny it. Just keep saying: No blood products were used.

    It will be the rats word against your mother's.

  • sass_my_frass

    I'm pretty sure that platelets aren't on their approved blood product list. The only way to find out for sure would be to ask the hospital liaison committee, but that would start a chain of events ending in them convincing your mother not to go through with the treatment. You know that the blood rules are wrong and murderous; why not just support your mum through the treatment and tell her that her own medical choices are nobody elses business. If a JW asks, she's better off saying that no blood products were used than risking them taking action against her. If she can't do that, she might still be okay with telling them to mind their business.

  • PrimateDave

    *** w04 6/15 pp. 29-30 Questions From Readers ***

    As transfusions of whole blood became common after World War II, Jehovah’s Witnesses saw that this was contrary to God’s law—and we still believe that. Yet, medicine has changed over time. Today, most transfusions are not of whole blood but of one of its primary components: (1) red cells; (2) white cells; (3) platelets; (4) plasma (serum), the fluid part. Depending on the condition of the patient, physicians might prescribe red cells, white cells, platelets, or plasma. Transfusing these major components allows a single unit of blood to be divided among more patients. Jehovah’s Witnesses hold that accepting whole blood or any of those four primary components violates God’s law.


    If you go to the hospital and are still a nominal Witness, don't tell them that you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses because they may contact the local congregation on your behalf which might involve the HLC's unwanted intervention if you plan to accept treatment not approved by the "Watchtower Society Magazine and Book Club."


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Does it matter what the FDS thinks? Or does she view their opinion and wishes as God's?

    Seems a shame to have your coinscience hurt by going against the wishes of a group of people who really have no clue what God wishes or wants...just claim to and get away with it..

    Day and night you hurt thinking you went against God...and really you never did..it was them who forbid you who REALLY did!

    Wouldn't that be a trip?

  • vitty

    Just dont tell anyone.....................they dont need to know.

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