It's not bad, it's good., really.

by ozziepost 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Are you a sheep or goat? And what exactly is each of them to the person deciding one from the other? THAT should be the question imo.

    For all we know...the goats may be mis/leading and condemning the sheep..and the sheep buying it..and terrified of the judgement coming upon the goats...when really it will be their salvation and messed up would that be?

  • anewme

    Ozzie, I see your point, that the teaching of Armageddon was not from Christ but from John.
    Why do many churches spend so much time on the later teachings of the apostles??? Why dont they just focus on the master teacher?


  • anewme

    After Jesus died men took over the flock of Christians and began to add their own teachings to gain CONTROL AND POWER AND PRESTIGE.

  • Honesty

    Hi Mad,

    What do you think about this quote from your Master, the Faithless and Deceitful Slavetraders?

    w 8010/1p.28pars.15-16AfterThese"LastDays"God’sMessianicKingdom!

    the Kingdom witnessing of Jehovah’s Witnesses since 1914 has been something far different from what Christendom’s missionaries have published both before and since 1914.


    "Different"—how so? In that it has not been a witness concerning the kingdom mentioned in Colossians 1:13, "the kingdom of the Son of [God’s] love," into which the 144,000 "sealed" spiritual Israelites have been transferred already. (Rev. 7:1-8) What Jehovah’s Witnesses have preached world wide since 1918 is something unique...

  • hillary_step


    Considering everyone is wicked when compared to God.

    On what grounds do you make such an assertion?

    The implications of living a life that is cocooned in such thinking strike me as being very harmful emotionally. As you look into the eyes of a new-born baby tell the child that it is wicked, at least compared to God. That should start its life with some positive direction!


  • dedpoet
    As you look into the eyes of a new-born baby tell the child that it is wicked, at least compared to God

    Good point Hilary. Maybe sinful would be a better word than wicked, considering the definition of the word

    1.evil or morally bad in principle or practice; sinful; iniquitous: wicked people; wicked habits.
    2.mischievous or playfully malicious: These wicked kittens upset everything.
    3.distressingly severe, as a storm, wound, or cold: a wicked winter.
    4.unjustifiable; dreadful; beastly: wicked prices; a wicked exam.
    5.having a bad disposition; ill-natured; mean: a wicked horse.
    6.spiteful; malevolent; vicious: a wicked tongue.

    A new-born baby could not possibly display any of those traits.

    We are all born in sin, or so the bible says, not that I particularly believe the bible. A penchant for wickedness may or may not develop as we grow up.


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    I have a two year old son...and I am sure he has not learned to be evil yet...the younger we are the closer we are to purity...I am pretty sure of that...

    Although he does know how to manipulate his parents into doing what he wants them to already.

    Being good and pure must be learned ...just like being wicked......

    Look for an older person to teach you more about being wicked..and a baby to learn to be more pure and innocent. Pretty sure that is how it works.

  • hillary_step


    Look for an older person to teach you more about being wicked.

    So the older a person grows, the more wicked they become? Do you not see anything wrong with this logic?


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    If I was the FDS...I would simply say anyone who tells you anything different than me or does not believe in and follow my guesses and orders is "wicked" and will be destroyed for me by my boss.

    That would be my definition of wicked.

  • juni

    Excellent Topic Ozzie and good to hear from you.

    anewme said:

    After Jesus died men took over the flock of Christians and began to add their own teachings to gain CONTROL AND POWER AND PRESTIGE

    Amen sister!!!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH AND PRAISE THE LORD!! That is the bottom line.....


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