What is it about a person's believing they are "right" that leads them to being arrogant? You've surely noticed that the more sure a person is that he's right, the more likely he is to treat those that disagree with him with disrespect. Why?
It's hard to see how a person can disagree with something that you KNOW is right. It's especially irksome when you've done some research to reach your conclusions, and they are mocked by someone that has clearly NOT done that same level of research. You feel like saying, "Dude, get educated, THEN come talk to me!" But in his own way, the other guy has probably done some research too. He may be feeling exactly like you, wondering -- bewildered, even -- how you can possibly sit there with a straight face and claim you don't "get it".
I've tried to be more fair and even-handed. To recognize that I've been wildly wrong, and that more often than not, it was the times that I felt most right that I turned out to be most wrong. ("The Truth", anyone?) Even though I recognize my own struggle with this, I still find myself stunned at times to see such arrogance expressed. I sometimes think it's religious people, but it's not. Religion is a great place to find it, since it's one of the things that people tend to get polarized about. I would imagine the same is true of politics, ethics, anything where middle ground is uncomfortable for anybody.
I'm having trouble getting to the point here, and that may BE the point. I'm not sure where I'm headed with this, and maybe I'm reaching out to the JWD brain-trust to fill in the gaps.
Any takers?