Hello, Dave
It's hard to get independent people to agree on anything. Its harder when your dealing with Godly spiritual matters which are non tangable and unquantifiable. When it comes to politics the politicians are operating on the premise that the average citizen voter has a 2 month memory. That probably goes for the politicians also. So in the past anything that happened more than 2 months ago didnt happen. This is the information age, but if you look at George Bush's and his wifes past, apparently it didnt happen when it came time to elect an upright moral man to be president. In spite of all the hard data on the net that the man is less than decent and honest. Back to God and spiritual matters, you cant touch the topics and you cant measure the topics. That pretty well makes the topics Bullshxt. What else can you expect when you argue bullshxt but dischord. I said Bullshxt not Bushxt although as far as I can tell they are one and the same. Before George Bush we had an electorial process in Amerika that sifted through the bull, but the Georges found away to circumvent that riging the election and calling in favors from daddys supreme court. Then there is another psychological factor, people see what they want to see. They have vested interst and motives and they are not always honest with each other or themselves. Everyone, including you and I are working an angle. That angle might change, but we see what we want to see. I realized along time ago that the truth will not be known in this dimension about something that cant be measured, observed or seen.(spiritual matters, evolution vs creation, is there a god, where did we come from, where are we going?) I call that my growing up period after my recovery from dubland . I would liken the kingdom hall to a spiritual kindergarden, and any prolonged time spent there would equal spiritual death. But then again spiritual matters are non tangable and non quantifiable so thats just my opinion. Its not like arguing how much area a yard of concrete will cover. Or how many miles your car will go on a gallon of gas. It's time spent that is idle non-productive, and idle time is the devils workshop. That could be a good thing if you percieve the Debil to be the hero in this epoch. Then again if God cant be seen, cant be measured, doesnt talk, maybe one can presume he doesnt exist. The wind can be measured. Radio waves can be broadcast and recieved, Gravity can be demonstrated. What can you do with God? Wage war?