Should suicidal or self destructive people have free will?

by The Dragon 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    The suicidal person cares more about their wishes than the effects their behavior has on those who love and care about them.....

    Good point P.....

    It could almost be said...that a suicidal person if allow to carry out their plan....could become a murderer when a person who loved or depended upon them followed their example to deal with the pain their loss brought upon them....

    Wow...I had never thought that far ahead on the subject.....what if The person asked all their loved ones for permission first...would it be ok then....or should they just sneak off before anyone realizes their plan?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Dragon, are you talking someone who is threatening suicide or someone who is self destructive with drug or alcohol?

  • purplesofa

    The suicidal person cares more about their wishes than the effects their behavior has on those who love and care about them.....

    How do you know that? I dont agree in all cases.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    FHN....When you think about it.........really there a difference?

    They are still hurting and endangering others by their decisions and choices....the ones who care about them are the ones they hurt the most too...Would they still do it...someone proved it to them?

    If they did....what does that say about them and their true feeling towards those who care about and those they claim to care about in return? Does their continued bad choices prove them to be weak, liars, or self-centered?

    What cases is this not true in P?

  • MsMcDucket

    Well, I'm 47 and don't want to go through the aging process any longer! And I'm tired of this fucked up world!

  • frankiespeakin


    They are still hurting and endangering others by their decisions and choices....the ones who care about them are the ones they hurt the most too...Would they still do it...someone proved it to them? If they did....what does that say about them and their true feeling towards those who care about and those they claim to care about in return? Does their continued bad choices prove them to be weak, liars, or self-centered?

    Moot point, what ever the reasons be they selfish or unselfish. Personal rights seems to be the issue not whether you agree with thier conclusions or consider them selfish.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I feel that you can't judge people in this situation. My first husband was very self destructive with drugs. After I left him, he was in and out of prison for the rest of his life which ended from AIDS when he was 34. I have now found out that his older cousins were brutally raping him through out his childhood, unbeknownst to any of us. He had a death wish. I had no idea at the time why he was so self destructive and apparently selfish. Now I understand better.

  • MsMcDucket

    I don't think that most suicidal people care about what other people are thinking. They just don't want to live anymore.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think respect for the individual right of each person in this matter, cushions the impact that thier suicide has on the survivers that loved them. While we still may feel sad and miss them, respect for them will soften the blow.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    All very good points...I feel just like you sometimes MMD...

    FHN...I understand what you are saying too....that we are shaped by our past experineces..and those in control at that time.....can we blame a person for being self destructive who was someones prey earlier in their life...or do they become responsible for the after effects of their crime instead of their victim? (who leaves victims as well when they take their lives for relief from the pain)

    Should we have the right to hurt or prey upon others if we choose or want to? Or should that right/freedom be revoked for the greater good of mankind?

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