Hello, how long do judicial committees for possible disfellowship typically last?
Quick question!
by emilyblue 43 Replies latest jw friends
Depends. Does the subject show up for the JC and plead his case. If they are DF'ed they can appeal their case in which it could last months. If they do not show up it could last 5 minutes long enough for 3 elders to agree on the DF.
I think it all depends on how easily the accused breaks down and confesses. Or whether there are some naughty sexual details that the junta of perverts needs before they can
get their jolliesrender a verdict. Or whether the subject of the JC decides to appeal the decision. -
I have never been an elder, but I would say at least one hour or so. I am sure the ex elders can have better answers than me. I was reproved(not disfellowshipped) long time ago. I think it was about an hour meeting.
Thank you all very much. The meeting is about having sex outside of marriage. It's my ex-boyfriend's meeting and it started at 7:30 pm and I was wondering when I would hear from him about what happened.
Anywhere from 15 Minutes to 15 hours! They tend to last a little longer if an attractive sister is telling her sex stories, as the elders have to take extra time in the bathrooms at breaks.
Several factors are involved. Basically- the charge and the evidence.
To get to your point, if DF is going to be the result, it will take longer. The elders
want to give every chance to see repentance. Since they won't see repentence,
they will have the person leave the room and discuss how to reach the person.
Then they'll call him back, try their magic, fail, and dismiss him again. The
next time they call him back, they will DF him. Expect 3 hours on average. -
OTWO, why do non-repentant folks GO to the JC's? Not all are beligerent APOSTATES, right? So why would they go and NOT be repentant? I can see going to the elders to tell them why I won't be a JW, but to go to a JC to be humiliated seems odd. Have I been out so long that I am just missing something?
My quickest was 10 minutes (actually a bit less) but he basically disfellowshipped himself. My longest was 2 hours
Thank you all for the info. he's been in now for 2 and a half hours.