ok so they are down...like i care
but 15 million to 10 million is not a 50% decrease...so the bold headline is a little misleading
by jwfacts 42 Replies latest watchtower scandals
ok so they are down...like i care
but 15 million to 10 million is not a 50% decrease...so the bold headline is a little misleading
What cheerful news!
I am so glad to see, as one poster out it, that Australian jws seem to be voting with their purse. I hope jws in the rest of the world follow suit.
It's a 33% decrease not 50%. It's still a lot of money, I would be interested to know if this is a world wide trend.
It's a 33% decrease not 50%.
Yes the head line is a bit misleading.
I believe the 50 percent was obtained by adding the 3.3 million dollar deficit. It shouldnt be added to show a decrease in dontations. It is noteworthy that they spent A LOT more money than ususal with much less (33%) coming in.
I wonder where all that extra money went to. Perhaps a hefty donation to the World Wide Work?
You could say that donations were 50% higher last year compared to this year.
It's a huge drop. It's never occurred to me that the demise of the WTS could be hastened by lack of financial support. I've heard in the past that the biggest donations come from the poorer congregations. Maybe the poor are just too poor now.
>>show a decrease in dontations
Intentional, IP? Or a freudian slip? Either way, I like it!
I think I'll make a DONTation this year. I can't decide if I won't give $100, or if I'll be generous and fail to give $150... decisions, decisions...
I believe the 50 percent was obtained by adding the 3.3 million dollar deficit. It shouldnt be added to show a decrease in dontations . It is noteworthy that they spent A LOT more money than ususal with much less (33%) coming in.
I think it's simpler than that:
the decrease was 5 million, the latest fig is 10 million; so 5/10 = 50%
eithrr way it's a massive drop and that's the important thing and as jwfacts points out it 'averages' a drop from $250 to $160.
Guess they might have called on jwfacts and ozzie if things were different, eh?
Now that really is some "good news" LOL
Ahhhhhh....the poor babies. How will they ever survive on a measly 10 million in donations?A little over 3 years if they keep running 3.3 million in the red.
I wish this organization a speedy, and yet painful death. They stole so much from all of us. And when people die for obeying their propaganda, they shrug it off. Thanks for posting this info jwfacts!
Edited to add: They will be getting no more of my juice. I've given them thousands and thousands in free construction services. Oh well, thanks for the practice WTBTS! Your stupid cult will be dry and shriveled within a generation or two. Interpret generation however the hell you want to. You're goin' down.
Ok, I confess, I got a bit over excited and it is only 30%. I tried to fix the heading for all the purests but keep getting an error.