I think that we are seeing how the WTS is reaping the whirlwind of what they sowed. By discouraging the pursuit of higher education among their young several years ago, they are now confronted by those youngsters as full grown adults. With a significant lack of acedemic skills, for which many were doubtless capable, those same adults are virtually marginalized in the lower wage bracket. Low wages may make willing sellers of WT literature, but bad donators. In these times when all must count costs, I think donating to a cause that is slowly being seen as lost would rank pretty low on a person's list of things to do.
Lets see... How many WT followers are there in Aussie? .... 80,000?..... Thereabouts?
OK, if those 80k WT followers gave 10M to the society, then I reckon that makes, on an average, some 125 bucks a year which comes down to $2.25 a week. Yep... I gues that's about all the average R&F member would think his religious org is worth.
Rather than be seen as unseemly and make crass demands for more cash, their interests will best be served by revising their policy on higher education. Sure they will lose some to "higher criticism", but they will eventually end up with a better financially enfranchised workforce, who will in turn be better able to donate big bucks. Of course it wont be felt overnight it will involve at least a generation for this to take effect.
I think that is something the Mormon leadership grasped early. Don't their missionaries get a subsidized college education after serving three years? With a higher-than average income membership they are obviously getting larger donations.
Anyway, whatever, the point about the WTS is that they must be recoiling in horror at their lost fortunes. Poor Nathan Gnaw, he so loved to see graphs going increasingly upwards in all departments, like sales, donations, increasing membership, leading to more sales, more donations, increasingly more membership and so on. Poor sod must be rolling in his grave or wherever it is that departed WT leaders eventually wind up.