Give me something to celebrate! (Tell me some good news)

by AlmostAtheist 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    I'm making good progress w/my leadership training w/my 2 doggies.

    Trust me; that is great news!!


    Nice topic Dave! There is so much sad news anymore that we forget often times to discusss all of the good news!! (((Dave)))

    Edited to say > Congratulations to all of you! I'm happy for all of you!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan


    I just got a new classic vehicle that I'm getting ready to restore, a 1982 VW Rabbit Truck. What a classic! I'm in the process of finding the right shop to do the work and really hook it up. I actually had to have it shipped in from another state. I've allways wanted one and now I've got the chance to do a complete restore on it, i'm quite excited.

  • averyniceguy

    Happy Dad, I would like to have $1,000. That would be good news!

  • lonelysheep

    I'm going back to college next month. This is probably my 10th time "going back" to school. This time, though, I am following my heart rather than a job, and majoring in English since I love to write. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

    It's warm & beautiful outside (here)!!

    It's administrative assistant's day...Wish someone well for their hard work.

    Each day that we are spending outside of the jw's, we have the opportunity to live in the NOW that is our life. Embrace it. There is no more holding back on anything because of what we were once taught.

    People love you.

    LittleToe is on a kids' show called "Meteor". The animated truck just said, "Call me LT." LOL Not a celebration, but a funny (to me, at least)!

  • Tuesday

    I met Dusty Rhodes the other day. He doesn't have an accent....

  • lonelysheep

    HappyDad--LOL...$1,000 is only cheap to those who would not appreciate its value!

  • Warlock
    Tonight.......I'm going to hit the POWERBALL LOTTERY for millions and everyone who responds to your thread by 10:58 PM tonight...........I will send each one a check for a thousand bucks. Yeah......I know it sounds cheap.


    A thousand bucks is still a thousand bucks. I hope you hit it.


  • Do Not Call
    Do Not Call

    Since leaving the WT, I managed to get qualifications and do my dream job of nursing.
    Also, my husband and I have started our own business which is doing brilliantly. (In fact, like Odrade, we need to expand into larger premises).
    Contrary to what we were told when we left (that our lives would be miserable and filled with misfortune) we are happy and successful!!

  • Kudra

    I'm heading out to CA today with my sweetie to introduce him to my parents!


    I am excited! We will be cooking out, going to the coast and just hanging out...

    It'll be a nice trip before a summer of craziness... I have my comprehensive exams in a month or so... then off to scour the Sierras and the Rockies for clues about glaciers n climate patterns n stuff... :P

    I am so glad that I get to do neat stuff like that now- with no guilt!







  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    I (just barely) kept my sanity through yet another cabin-fever inducing winter!

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