by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    ****** INTERMEZZO *****

    A Poem of Sheer and Utter Nonsense

    Little children running 'round,

    Gath'ring worms from 'pon the ground.

    Small sweet sparrows do the same,

    But for them it is no game.

    Grub for babes on which to feed,

    Fights o'er string flesh is such greed.

    Little children running 'roun',

    Hurling threats at them who frown

    At the yells and spits and slaps;

    "Take such urchins from all maps!"

    Misfit children are a curse,

    Stealing coin and tossing purse ...

  • compound complex
    compound complex



    How could I possibly know where to begin my story, a story that begins with my birth and ends ...

    How I pray for an ending of any sort. I'm no fool that wishes for that storybook happy ending. All I want is to understand why my once happy life was ripped away from me - ripped away by those I loved and trusted with my life. It wasn't a perfect life, but hey, my lady and I were in love and our three kids - ah, the apple of any father's eye. I even got along swell with Dottie's mom. She was a mother to me since Ma died a few years back. But something changed in the town, I mean the people. Couldn't put my finger on it. I tried but just wasn't able to figure it out.

    I was never a stranger to the so-called outcasts in town and was friendly enough toward them. Now don't get me wrong - I'm not one of those holier-than-thou guys. It's just I'd get a gentle scolding once in a while from Dottie about the company I kept. Sure, we shared many a cold brew and bawdy tale together at the old watering hole. But that was about it. Hardly every night. My life was my family and putting food on the table and a roof over their heads. My mama, bless her soul, taught me that even the unfortunate folk that every town's got aplenty are the Lord's children and deserve respect. Maybe one or two's an angel in disguise.

    Well, what's so darn incredible is the fact that now Lucky J's all boarded-up and my buddies are either gone or just ... they're just different. Like something's overcome them. They can't help see me. I don't move. Some of the fellas slink on by and look away, like they're guilty of something. The others ... they have their noses in the air and a swagger that just isn't them.

    Told you I couldn't put my finger on it. But that was then, before I was told what was really going on.

    Before things got so crazy and hard to explain, I was saying good night to the guys. It was still early and they said stick around and we'll do another round. No fellas, gotta get home and help the wife with the kids. After leaving my friends, a stranger stopped me about a block away as I headed home and asked directions to the bus station. I pointed him west, down Third Street, he said thanks and see you around. Thought nothing of it at the time.

    Now, today, my family gone and me a prisoner, I want the night. It's when he returns and puts my heart at peace ...

    The stranger.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I've never been one for stewing much over things left undone or feeling overly bad about mistakes. Of course, it's a whole other matter if I'd hurt someone. Especially Dottie. Sweet and forgiving. Way too patient for the likes of me. She wanted so much to have that garden window put in above the kitchen sink. I always thought I provided good enough for my little family. Looks like I missed those little things that count the most.

    Now that I'm a prisoner I can't keep my mind off things like before when I was doing the physical stuff. Working hard. Bowling with my league. Taking the kids hiking. I lost the chance to have done it more. Instead, I was hoisting one too many a brew to cheer the health of my buddies, standing that extra round of drinks. Money and time wasted ...

    I could have put in that window for Dottie. She would have squealed with joy.

    Now it's all too late.

    Money and time wasted ...

  • BizzyBee

    I'm hooked....keep going!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, BB!

    Off to scrub some toilets, hoover a carpet and teach a piano class ...

    Who knows what'll come of that if put to parchment???

    To be continued this eve....



  • Casper

    Amazing, CoCo....

    I am enjoying this


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Never discuss religion and politics: what starts out as a simple discussion becomes a debate and that turns into a heated argument. Before you can say Jack Robinson there's a nasty fight on your hands. One-time friends are now enemies and family turn on each other ...

    What about when religion and politics go beyond words and get married, so to speak?

    Our community is very religious, lots of churches and many a true-believer. Belief in the Lord used to be pretty simple but strong and true. Now that I've got a better insight on what lead me to where I am today - pilloried in the town square - I can trace the commencement of Franklin City's descent into evil. One of our city leaders, who goes by the name Lester Seegood, is a prominent lawyer from Gotham. He took up residence here some 5 years ago, and through charm, good looks and very clever manipulation, wheedled his way to the top of city government. He's mayor.

    You might expect some corruption even in small town politics, but I sensed something was fishy when Lester became director of the Intracity Church Council last Spring. The smaller church fellowships had enjoyed relative autonomy though loosely linked to their mother church, wherever that might be located. The larger Protestant churches were directly answerable to their Presidents or Apostles or Governing Body, and the Catholic Church to the Pope. Through some sort of document processing, so I'm told (I'm no lawyer and may have got the wording confused), Mayor Seegood struck some sort of ungodly union between the town elders and the spiritual leaders of every local congregation, parish, ward, and fellowship.

    The one-time good spirit and friendliness of Franklin City gradually disappeared and gave way to distrust, suspicion and bitter anger. Freedom of speech, assembly and to act stupid if you wanted to went by the wayside. Teenagers were watched closely and all their activities monitored. The local church leaders were given scripted sermons and directives for all their services, church fundraisers, recreational activities and classes, including Sunday School. Enforced uniformity came in every size, shape and texture you could think of. Strict dress code. Acceptable recreation. Regulated sexual conduct. Approved reading materials. Failure to comply with "suggestions" resulted in discipline totally out of harmony with the Lord's true teachings. And where did these orders from headquarters originate?

    The Intracity Church Council, firmly and squarely in Mayor Seegood's hip pocket.

    I objected. I objected loudly ...

  • BizzyBee

    Good, good......I am sensing sort of Winston Smith theme.........your skill is in the build.............

  • beksbks

    I'm feeling a cross between Heathcliff and Sam Spade? I like it. I like you Co Co. More than I want to.

  • BizzyBee
    I like it. I like you Co Co. More than I want to.

    Channeling Lauren Bacall, are we?

    Listen, you little fool! You're not woman enough for a man like Coco! Yes, I know. A man named Coco. Odd. And yet.......strangely alluring. You think you can waltz in here with your cheap perfume and cheap tricks and........... something something something.........something that'll get past the Hayes office........

    Hmmmm.......perhaps Barbara Stanwyck......or Bette Davis.........anyway, I see this all shot in black and white, you know, you smoke? Can you learn to smoke? Got shoulder pads? Better pack a lunch, this is gonna need work.......I'm thinking, I don't know......can we get Errol Flynn?

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