by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Everything seems upside-down at the moment, but I will forge ahead.

    Why the silence? Perhaps I am deaf ...

    Time to reinvent.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Yesterday afternoon I powerwashed, scrubbed and powerwashed my deck, getting it ready to stain hopefully Friday if there is no rain in the forecast. My hands were all numb and tingly for a long time afterwards from the powerwasher!

    We had the coolest rain storm come through about 7pm or so. The sky was an eerie almost yellow colour, never seen anything like it. Took most of the humidity away, it's a pleasant day out today.

    Today I'm cleaning the shed, ugh. Squirrels have gotten in there and nested, it's a mess! A stinky yucky mess!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Slaffter on Tenth Avenue

    I couldn't sleep. How can anyone sleep on a sweltering mid-August night in the Big Apple? I don't get how dogs manage to doze away. Maybe the dog days of August favor the canine and not Homo Erectus Recumbent.

    I digress. As is my custom, I awoke like clockwork around 2:00 a.m., soaked to the very bone. Dazed, I struggled in slow motion to free myself from a twisted, sodden sheet, grabbed my lump of a sweat-stained pillow and set feet to floor. Stumbling through the debris of a rather raucous evening, I picked my way blearily to the airless open window and posed momentarily at the sash. The yellowed, tattered wisps of some ancient lace curtain hung limp and motionless, framing in a view I'd come to hate.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Waking dazed and confused doesn't render me incapable of coherent thought. That is unfortunate. My sad body, though in a seeming state of repose, is daily, anxiously, awaiting my internal alarm clock's jarring wake-up call. This odd-hours' reveille mercilessly snaps my nervous system to attention like some cruel, bull-necked drill sergeant of an old black and white. Coming to, after a welter of nightmares, into this bad dream of life makes me wonder what's the lesser of two evils: troubled sleep or despairing wakefulness.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Looking through the rusted and creaky fire escape to the deserted street three stories below, I wonder about the neighbors, as well as the regular outsiders, who daily scurry about doing whatever it is they do. They are strangers to me, yet I do feel something for them. In a few hours the madness will begin once again.

    Noisy little urchins will soon be running to and fro, screaming and shouting, quite unaware of their poverty. Their parents, however, rushing anxiously to work or some other necessary business, are quite aware of the crippling indigence that has taken up permanent lodging at the stoop of the poor working class. The wolf is a regular at the doors in my neighborhood: some implacable process to be served to a fearful family man, or the usual, long overdue rent demanded in full - NOW!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I eat well because of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Malatesta, who own the delicatessen downstairs. They knew my grandparents years ago, long before any of them had emigrated to the United States from the old country. Childhood friends, so I understand. You could say they've made me their adoptive grandson ... or nephew. Whatever.

    Stanzie makes me the most incredible meatball sandwich in the world. And she's not stingy with the provolone. And her minestrone! It's the uncontested best in our neighborhood - and well beyond. Someone from another borough is always at the counter saying Maria or Antony from the avenues told me I must have your minestrone. A beaming Mrs. Malatesta ladles out a generous, steaming helping of her luscious medley of flavors, to be followed up by another ... and another.

    I've offered to pay for the meals, but they always brush me off. "It's enough you sweep the floor and stock the shelves. Why do want we should take the money you don't have?"

    I love them.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I had no idea what we both were getting into when I agreed to move to The City with my best friend. We were young, had nothing holding us back (except, perhaps, the odd protective mother or two) and were ready for the adventure of a lifetime.

    Getting all our so-called affairs in order was no big deal. We were just a couple guys, fresh out of school, who wanted to see the world. Sure, it wasn't like we were going to another country across the sea. Just a coast-to-coast jaunt. Once all the tearful good-byes were said at SFIA - noon departure - we excitedly got on board the nonstop flight. This was the day when real meals were served on longer flights. Snacks and drinks in between times, too. Some six hours later (real time) we set down on the tarmac. It was eerie seeing the darkness but my watch saying something like 6:00, or thereabouts. The craft, fully stopped, warning lights off, we grabbed our carry-on luggage from the overhead compartments and made ready to get off the plane.

    An adventure awaited ... one beyond well-laid plans and all reasonable expectation.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Rude awaking this morning .....6am my phone is ringing i run down the stairs to answer it (not my favorite thing to do half awake ) . My husband is on the line callling from work 20 miles away . He says to get prepared a bad storm is heading my way .He said the storm just hit where he is and the sky was green ,sirens were going off, the power was out,and the winds were up to 70 miles an hour ......then the phone went dead .

    So I run outside and move my car out from under the huge old tree next to our driveway .Just as I did the rain and lightening began . I went in the house woke my son up and said to come downstairs because this storm was going to be bad . We don't have a basement . We watched as 70 mile an hour gusts blew down our street , lightening struck in the backyard , we could hear limbs snapping in the neighborhood . The TV stations are all out , but we still have power . I turned on my husband's scanner and heard limbs and power lines are down all around town , several calls to homes with damage , a grain bin collapsed blocking a major road near us . The electric company and fire department are all out in force . One house has a ruptured gas line another business has a propane tank leaking after it was damaged by a falling tree .

    Thankfully we only have limbs down in our yard . The small town 10 miles down the road from us is now reporting damage .

    My husband just called back on his cell phone he said the Plant is still out of power and no phones ,several guys have called in reporting property damage and roads blocked.

    What a way to wake up to the morning !!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    bttt for Troubled Mind

  • VoidEater

    Dear Diary:

    Amidst the hoopla of the media and their audience - who is pulling whom's strings? - it sometimes takes some inner reflection to chart one's own course. In the end, friends and family, neighbors and strangers, on both ends of any spectrum, will agree or disagree, support or condemn, pause with wonder or move on in boredom.

    But we have chosen each other, he and I, and have chosen to take a private stand for our understanding of the world around us, as well as a public stand for the universe we see within our hearts.

    Yes, Dear Diary, we will take the plunge and be married in August.

    It will mean nothing to the authorities we might wish to impress with our commitment, it will delight those that love us, it will hearten those that might agree with our stand (though perhaps not with our reasons), and will enrage those that have differing positions.

    In the end, it is something we do for ourselves, a symbol of our long-established covenant with each other.

    It has been 20 years we have been together, 35 since we met on this Earth, and perhaps an eternity that we have known each other.

    With this, we continue to symbolize our entwined lives.

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