Is It "Wrong" To Say That Someone "Sounds" Black??

by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I saw Boston Legal this past Tuesday and Denny Crane said he was impressed by the "articulate" man who didn't "sound" black. This caused an uproar!!! In a re-run on Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry David makes a comment that's insulting to a black person and has to immediately apologize for being politically incorrect.

    Your opinion on this question, please.

  • Odrade

    Is it wrong to tell an Aussie that they don't sound Aussie if they are speaking with New Jersey inflection? IMO, it may be poor manners, but it's not "racist." I think Bill Cosby had something to say about this awhile back...

    When I was a kid, we had a neighbor who was from Cornwall. He used to joke with us kids about the way we (West Coasters,) pronounce words like "water" and "mountain." It was rude, but I wouldn't classify it as Brit on American Racism.

  • under_believer

    This is the Boston Legal writers commenting on a political flap involving Joe Biden back in February. You can read at this link for more background.

    No, it's not wrong to acknowledge that there are many different dialects of English in use in the world and that some of them are specific to certain cultural or ethnic groups. This is just a linguistic fact.

    However, of course, everything depends on context and circumstances. It would be easy to make racist statements and express racist opinions when talking about dialect.

  • UnConfused

    Of course it is. (that's the safe answer)

  • sir82

    Watchu talkin' about, Willis?

    (Sorry, couldn't resist....flame away)

  • minimus

    If you had to identify a person by means of voice recognition, it would seem foolish to NOT say he "sounded" Indian, Asian, Southern, etc. I think there's nothing wrong in making a statement suggesting one is not being stereotyped.

  • caligirl

    Ugh... I so hate it when people get bent about stuff like this. (not saying that you are minimus- I realize you are starting a "topic for conversation")

    I think that "political correctness" is a scourge. It is an excuse for people to remove their backbone and whine like they have been personally wronged just because someone says something they don't agree with. I think people need to learn to deal with being offended and stop trying to make everyone and their uncle "happy" and stop appologizing for actually(gasp!) daring to have an opinion that might be different, or might "bother" someone!

    I for one applaud anything politically incorrect. And I love Boston legal. And no, I don't think that comment on Boston Legal was racist, it was simply an observation. The racist accusation is so overused. I am certainly not saying that racists don't exist, but the accusation is passed out much to often in circumstances that do not warrant it, but that is a whole other topic that opens up a rant I don't have time for right now.

  • happy1975

    Minimus, your original post implies that a black person can't sound articulate, and if they do, it would be suprising. THAT is what is offensive.


    (Happily married white girl married to a black guy)

  • Jourles
    I for one applaud anything politically incorrect.

    As do I. Which is why South Park rules!

  • minimus

    I agree Cali. I love watching a boxing match for the announcer to say "the fighter with the red and white trunks vs. the fighter with the black trunks".....Why not just say "the black guy vs. the white guy"?

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