If I went back to the Kingdom Hall there would be no windows..LOL!!..And..Many doctrines,I could no longer preach.I would be reprimanded,reproved or disfellowshipped for it!..Doctrines we were told to preach,straight from God,given to us by the WBT$ are no longer valid.The WBT$ says so.......I left in 1974.I couldn`t preach "Armageddon by 1975"..Most Jehovah`s Witness`s will tell you WBT$ never made that prediction.Although WBT$ liturature says otherwise....."Jehovah`s Witness will be the only ones who survive Armageddon".Now,no one knows....."Jehovah`s Witness`s can`t take blood transfusions".Now they can use blood factions....."Religion has no place with worldly organizations".The WBT$ had an assosiation with the United Nations-NGO..Make a big deal about that and you "will" be disfellowshipped!....."The Generation of 1914 will not pass away.".Not anymore!..Thats old news..Get a shovel!!..LOL!!.....How many other doctrines,that we were ordered to preach by the WBT$,no longer exsist?...OUTLAW
..If I went "Back to the Kingdom Hall"..
by OUTLAW 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If you went back to the KH, the same thing would happen if I went back......lightening would strike, little smurfs would dance in the aisle, the roof would cave!!!!!
Funny you should ask. I have signed up for a free bible study. I want to see just how different this "religion" is from the one I was booted out of in 1976. I signed up on-line 2 weeks ago tomorrow. I used an alias just in case they might remember my name. It's good to see they are on top of the ball with their life saving message.
I've thought about this before. What exactly would it be like if I went back?
Scenario 1> Going in with no ulterior motives... being honest and showing my normal face, I imagine that I would be love-bombed initially. "Welllcome baaaack!! It's sooo good to see you after so many yeeears...!" All it would take is one or two comments at a WT study or Book Study and I'd be taken to the back, where I'd smile and laugh in the Elders' faces, voice seething with sarcasm.
Scenario 2> Purpose of infiltration and subversion. I laugh about this scenario, because I care so little about this little sect to bother. But were I to... oh boy... I'm sure I'd rise through the ranks quite quickly, dropping nearly indetectable drops of poison into the ears of the congragation. At least if caught, they'd perceive it as poison, when in reality it would be golden drops of sweet, sweet freedom...
I signed up on-line 2 weeks ago tomorrow
It took them about a month to go to my brother-in-law's when I signed him up.
I was really pissed at him!!
CrazyBD..You signed your brother inlaw up???..LOL!!.....If not for this board,I really wouldn`t know much about any of the changes in the WBT$..It would be hillarious to go back and pretend I knew nothing about the changes..It would make the elders nuts trying to convince me they no longer believed in what they preached years ago..LOL!!.I would play that for all it was worth.....I`m still in good standing.I could become an elder in no time at all.."OUTLAW as an Elder"..There`s a reciepe for disaster..LOL!!...OUTLAW
CrazyBD..You signed your brother inlaw up???..LOL!!.....
Yep!! Last fall he really pissed me off. He can be a real jerk anyhow. My sister said a carload of jw's showed up early on a Sat. morning. They live way out in the country. They told him they were there because of his request!! They even showed him his name and addy on their computer list. I guess he really lost it, and gave them hell.
Even though it was early, he was so pissed, he started drinking. I just wanted to do something that i knew would piss him off!
.."OUTLAW as an Elder"..There`s a reciepe for disaster
LOL I'd like to see that one!! If I double dare ya, will you do it?????
......I left in 1974.I couldn`t preach "Armageddon by 1975"..
Outlaw, wow, you took a big risk there
CrazyBD..I`ve thought about it..I`m a notorious jokester.....I was never asked to do ministry school again,after I did a bit of stand up comedy during my talk..Everyone laughed..Except the guy running running the ministry school..I did a lot of funny shit while I was going to the Kingdom Hall..I made alot of people laugh and I shocked the rest..I was once at a JC meeting for a party I had,half the congragation was invited.As they either attended or thier kids had attended..It was probably the biggest JC meeting in WBT$ history,in that area..Probably the province..LOL!!..We got a Private/Public reproof..It was private because it was never mentioned from the platform..It was public because there was so many friggin people there!..LOL!!...OUTLAW
Bernadette..I was an Elders Brat!..LOL!!..I had seen so much,I did`nt believe anything the Elders or the WBT$ had to say...OUTLAW