I've just been thinking about JWD and how messed it up it is how the Witnesses twisted things in my mind so I totally got mind-warped....What am I talking about, you ask? Well, whenever someone has a quote on here from Watchtower literature from years past (like from the 1970s or 1960s etc) proving that Witnesses have taught/do teach this or that in the past, I automatically discredit that quote necause how I was taught as a Witness was that whole new light thing-meaning...... "Oh, well, things have changed-our teachings have changed, we no longer believe or teach this, this, and that anymore,"- I'm so brainwashed that when I read old quotes on here where people prove to say that Witnesses taught this or that, it's like I kind of go "Oh well that quote doesnt' matter," But in reality.........
JWs should take responsibility for everything they've taught!!! and not just keep saying, "Well, that was then-this is now.
...I mean, from an outsider's view point, they would say "Oh, so WItnesses teach this?" if they're looking at a quote from, say, 1982, but me, the Witness (ex-witness, but...whatever), I kind of say, "Oh, this quote is from 1982 so it's okay that Witnesses said this or that back then because now, well, things have....changed."
What bologna. An organization should be responsible for everything t hey've said, not just "recent" stuff.
Does anyoneknow what I"m talking about or am I just using too many words? Blaaahhhh