When you think about it, it is amazing that anybody ever leaves.
Or that anybody stays..........................?
by themonster123 22 Replies latest jw friends
When you think about it, it is amazing that anybody ever leaves.
Or that anybody stays..........................?
Ask a witness who has been in the Org for 60 years, if they would have done things differently had they known 1975 was a false expected date of Armageddon? There are many witnesses who gave up having children and an education because of that misinformation. The WT Society always turns it around and blames the brothers and sisters for the consequences of THEIR mistakes in the Watchtower.
It's an airtight system.
JW: 'Well, we don't believe X anymore, that's old light.'
Big Bad Mean Terrible Hateful Apostate: 'But what if they change current teaching X tomorrow under the guise of having received new light on the matter, as they've done so many times in the past?'
JW: 'Well Jehovah guides his organization progressively. The leaders aren't perfect.' (etc.)
What can you say to somebody who reasons this way? Not much, in my experience. Challenging the authority of the "Slave" doesn't seem to be a very fruitful tactic when dealing with JW's.
I've also wondered about that new light thing too but I guess it was just very convenient for them because that's all they had to say was it's "new light" and a new understanding. They couldn't possibly lie about something. The new light line was just a cover up but everyone excepts it because, oh ya, that's right, it's the "true religion".
The Watchtower society is just one of many false religions on this planet. They cant come out and tell you that or you would spend all your time watching tv and indulging yourself in your personall interest. And you wouldnt give them any attention and honor and you wouldnt support there meager life style.
Does anybody know which religion is the true one?
Is religion even capable of being true, once you get past the racket aspect?
It was a big step for me to reject the 'new light' concept and actually I don't remember how I did it. It's possible that it hadn't been drilled into me quite enough. It seems like the kind of thing I'd have fallen for if I had heard it from a JW a few more times before hearing it from a cynic. Still, it eventually became insulting that every stupid thing they said could be attributed to god not having the lights on bright enough for us imperfect humans.
If they started admitting mistakes and apologising for them, newer JWs would be boggled at how many there are.
well one of the things that kicked me in the rear big time about this new light idea was that i was a very avid reader and mostly kept up with the weekly bible reading, i even had one of those parallel bibles that shows four translations at once so that in my many years of servitude i read the bible on my estimate more than 10 times in those four different translations and the dubbas translation which made five, blech, i get a tummy ache just thinking about it, I was reading with an open mind (even though i didn't realize it at the time) ( i think because i love books and usually read one a week, scifi being my fav, and then murder mysteries, so i was used to thinking as i read, not really a dubba trait lol) so anyway being a woeman i wasn't asupposed to say nutin but very often i would notice some strange differences between what i read and what the borg was teaching....then later the stupid borg would actually change what they said to be more in line with what i had already read and figured out years before. yeah, me dumb blonde woeman.... how's this for a scifi book title.... new light from old Farts in a Dim Sector of the galaxy Where Beans make them Toot Scriptures inaccurately heh okay now i'm just getting silly hehheh niteynite
Love and Laughter,
The Witnesses are in the dark! They have never gotten the correct light! Why would God send you a bad light bulb! *boink*
lunamonth, LMAO, thanks for the laugh
how's this for a scifi book title.... new light from old Farts in a Dim Sector of the galaxy Where Beans make them Toot Scriptures inaccurately
Just once I'd like to hear a JW say that we don't go by the bible anymore because that was old light.
How on EARTH can books be around for more than 2000 years and stay "current" , yet something written in 1968 by the only channel being used by god not even last 20 years.
boggles the free thinking mind doesn't it?
will power