Jgnat..It wasn`t always that way..I remember a time when many of us were quite alone.It sucked big time..WBT$ was able to isolate so many..Now with the internet we have found one another.I believe our group is many times larger than the Pro-JW community.We just haven`t found everybody yet.....WBT$ has no idea what they have started by treating so many people so badly..And ..It`s just starting..We are in our infancy and look how powerfull our voice has become.....The really cool part..WBT$ is too stupid to take us seriously.They continue with they`re lies and mis-information..And..We continue to expose them....OUTLAW
Independent Lens Knocking Forum Locked...
by zeroday 15 Replies latest jw friends
Some comments from the moderator:
If you truly wanted open discussion about Knocking you will have to allow people to discuss what is NOT in the movie. That being the pedophile issue, the shunning, the blood issue and so on.
That is a fair statement! The forum is clearly already an area where people want to discuss many issues not covered in the film. We do hope that discussion of KNOCKING does occur, and I'll be working to set up areas of the forum in an effort to keep different topics clear for those who want to discuss specifics of the film and those who want to discuss more.carly wrote:
As we've requested elsewhere, we ask that the forum be kept civil, and a place where people who are new to these issues can learn about them in a constructive way.Hi Everyone,
To address Richard's comment, I have never known any Jehovah's Witnesses (to my knowledge) and have had no exposure to their practice or beliefs prior to beginning work on the KNOCKING ...KNOCKING reveals how a misunderstood and often derided Christian group, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, has impacted society in ways far greater and more surprising than a knock on the door. Through the main characters in the film and their families—some who are Jehovah's Witnesses and some who are not—KNOCKING tells both sides of the story. KNOCKING takes a balanced approach, and fair criticism is addressed. It does not promote nor does it denigrate. All historical and medical facts are accurate and fairly presented in the film.
PBS strives to bring you programming, on TV and on the Web, that encourages discussion of key issues, events and ideas.
Please help us keep our discussion forums a place for safe, constructive dialogue by following these key guidelines:
1) ALL points of view are welcome, as long as they are presented as part of a civil exchange.
2) Personal attacks are unwelcome as they detract from this dialogue. Any posts we deem to violate these guidelines will be deleted. -
The viewing of KNOCKING has been my first real exposure to Jehovah's Witnesses, and honestly I would not have expected to see the discussions that are being presented on this forum.
I struggle with maintaining an outlet here for free speech and with the disappointment of seeing so much anger present. It is of course fair for someone to say that since I have had no previous exposure to Jehovah's Witnesses I cannot understand what some think are negative aspects of their practices and beliefs. However, in response to your question about what is the reaction of a neutral party, I am surprised and overwhelmed by the converations that I'm seeing here. -
Hi Everyone,
To address Richard's comment, I have never known any Jehovah's Witnesses (to my knowledge) and have had no exposure to their practice or beliefs prior to beginning work on the KNOCKING Web site.
To address rebel8's comment, a few of things you address are responded to below, but I will also add that while I did expect polarized viewpoints, I was indeed surprised with the speed, length and amount of participation thas has already happened in just a couple of days. As mentioned below, moving forward posts will not be deleted unless they clearly do not meet the standards of use, so I encourage you to repost what was removed if you would like to bring those thoughts back into the discussion. The forum will not be shut down as long as the standards of use are followed. -
Typical response from JW's:
I fail to see why they complain about shunning by the family. If they were so concerned about associating with the family, why didn't they do that prior to their disfellowshipping rather than running off on their own and then going against the Bible. That is so hypcritical about them. They cry about what they wanted in the beginning, to be apart from their family.
I was simply stating that they complain about what they chose.
And that they - you are hypocrites to complain about what you voluntarily chose. That is to be separate from your friends and family prior to your disfellowshipping and now you complain that you got what you want.
And concerning the attitudes that you have, why would your family even want to associate with you.
And as I continue to say: There is no WTS mandated shunning.
It is what we choose to do since you are are not desirable ones to associate with anyway. What ever would make you believe that your family and friends that you rejected would even want to associate with you? You make no sense. -
ZeroDay,that last post about WBT$ having no mandate for disfellowshipping had me laughing..Give a Jehovah`s Witness a chance to speak and they will shoot themselves in the foot everytime..No wonder the WBT$ tells them to shut the f*ck-up.....You guys were great,pulling out all that WBT$ information..The Pro JW`s didn`t like that much.....One stated:"How would you like what you said when you were young,posted"..Probably one of the stupidist things I`ve heard in awhile..WBT$ information is supposed to be straight from God..When was God young?..LOL!..Does he have baby pictures?..I`ll bet his mom never made him go to the Kingdom Hall!..LOL!!...OUTLAW