Raymond Franz Never A Member of GB/Fathers Email

by ladonna 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • noidea


    Nothing like reaching out and having your hand smacked back for it..I'm sorry.

    The regrets will not be on your shoulders, you truly are free.......

  • Amazing

    Good post Ladonna: While it is too bad that such strain now exist between youand your family, the freedom is also good to be yourself, and say what you think.

    Most JWs cannot name any members of the GB. Since the death of Nathan Knorr and later Fred Franz, I doubt that more than a comparatively few JWs really know who is or is not on the GB.

    But, you can find older publications that list some of these from time to time, but I do not know where Ray Franz may have been listed if at all. But, any JW who was around in the late 1970s would have known about Franz, since the news of his resignation and subsequent Disfellowshipping went all over the world, and was reported in Time magazine in 1981 or early 1982. If Ray Franz had not been a member of the GB, the Society would have surely have taken issue with Time, Inc. If you get a chance to talk to your mom again, maybe you can convey this to her. - Amazing

  • Jourles

    Ladonna, check your email. I hope it was sent alright...

  • MegaDude


    I sure can relate to what went down with your adoptive mother. I still have my mother and my brother still in. After reaching out time and time again only to get hurt, I decided to take a breather and stop trying to see them and talk to them on a *regular* basis.
    They allowed this by phone.

    I still talk to them, but it's on my terms, and my terms only.
    Sometimes interacting with JW relatives, who treat you like a leper, can be too draining to do on a regular basis (if they allow it).
    Why put yourself through it?

    Since distancing myself from my JW relatives, I feel less sad about it. I miss them, but not that much anymore. And because it's infrequent that I see them, I don't feel the pain that I used to when we do meet, and I can enjoy the short time we have together.

    I guess you could say that I shun them now. LOL.

    "Hope is a good thing... maybe the best of things."
    Andy's letter to Red in the Shawshank Redemption

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Dear Ana

    Sorry to hear of all the grief from your Mom

    It's hard to reason with someone who has had their power to reason extracted.

    My niece set me a slide show of the Airliners slamming into the twin towers with scriptures captioned on the top trying to show me the last days are at hand. I don't know what she thought I was going to do. Perhaps she thought I would be at her door begging for entrance. I didn't bother to respond because you can't have a two way conversation with a dud raised in dudville. You know, a little scripture picked from here, and another picked from there. All designed to fit into their interpetation. I just consider the source and let it go.

    I was lucky. My Mom didn't shun any of her children no matter what the circomstances. She had two in and three out and she loved them all. She tryed to preach to us sometimes but it was never in a threatening way. She has been dead may years and I'm greatful to her for having so much love for all of us.

    As far as the Ray Franz thing....you know what the truth is (feels strange using that word, but here it is TRUE and it fits). You could probably make her eat the proof and she would still deny it.

    Your job is to take care of yourself. The anger will pass a little at a time. I know, I work on it all the time as far as my dud family members are concerned.

    All blessings be upon you.

    You have my friendship and support

    minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.

  • ladonna

    To All,

    Thankyou all for your unconditional love and kindness.
    I will respond a little more to each of you later, but I have just received an email from my father that went a little too far........

    This sure IS like a family here......

    I love you all....


  • SixofNine

    I'm glad you are feeling free, but I know you are feeling pain. I'm sorry.

    Father, mother, sister, brother. That's us. Use us.

  • ladonna

    Thankyou All for you Kind Words.......

    I have decided after much thought to paste my father's email to me here.

    Dear Stashya,

    I am writing this letter regarding your talk with your Mother last night. I have been aware of your apostate activities for some time and have chosen to overlook as much as I can in the eyes of Jehovah.
    Both your Mother and I are terribly disappointed in the way you have chosen to live your life. Five of your sisters are all faithful to the truth and as such are an example of what constitutes a loving daughter worthy of being loved.
    We have tried for many years to attempt to make you see reason but of late we are seeing a side of you that we find utterly disgusting. We can only put this down to the fact that you were not or ever will be our natural blood daughter. You were born outside of marriage and started your entire life with sin. I am not alluding to the fact that your birth was your fault, but that you already were born with bad blood.
    You question : why we are happy to see people that are murderers, rapists, child molesters and homosexuals die? Well, my dear, if you choose to live in Sodom that is your choice, but nothing you can say or do will pull us away from the truth or Jehovah. As for young children dying at the hands of Jehovah, I used to question this myself but as I see the years pass I can only see evil in the children of today, and your Mother and I will not be sorry that they along with the rest will die at the hands of Jehovah.
    We are at a loss to understand why you choose to visit apostate sites to research Jehovah's people rather than call your local congregation and request a meeting with the elders who will answer all of your questions with honesty. They will not distort the truth as you are doing by mixing with apostates who have nothing but an evil grudge to bear against the society.
    We know we have the truth. If we don't have it could you please tell me who does?. You cannot do this, can you Stashya?
    How many times have I asked you this question? All you can answer is a lame and rather pathetic "I no longer believe in organized religion".
    The bible clearly states that we must "gather together". That does not constitute a religion that is disorganized as you so obviously choose to turn to. Do you think your prayers are ever answered? If they are my dear, it is by Satan the Devil himself.
    Your Mother and I have discussed this in great detail and had little sleep last night. We had hoped that you would see the way and come back into the fold with an open heart filled with love for Jehovah. This is quite obviously not going to happen.
    Therefore I have no other alternative than to ask you to never make contact with any of my family again.
    You are not my daughter now, nor have you ever been. I refuse to acknowledge you at all. You have stated to your mother that you wish nothing further to do with us, well my dear, only we have the power to state that you no longer have a family to turn your back on.
    You are to us as the Harlot of Babylon. Read Revelation and you may see some sense in this comment I am making. From this day forth you have burnt your bridges.

    I hope you are happy with the life and company you have chosen,

    This is why I cannot go back as Comf with such kind words suggested. I have battled my parents for 20 years............battle is over....and this letter did hurt.


  • Jourles


    Did you get that Time article that I sent? I do not know what to say about that letter. Only that I am SO SORRY it has happened. I am waiting for a similar letter to be delivered to me in the future, only substitute the "mother" for the "father." I will try to stay in for as long as I can so that I will still be able to distribute *apostate* information to all of my relatives. My wife cries whenever I present her with even a news article. Someday I hope she will break her training and read this information without mind-control running in the background.

    Be glad that you have already have taken that walk across the bridge. There are still many of us who would like to join you at the other end, but are still standing in line to cross.

    You're in my prayers,

  • Cassiline

    I know that words alone can not heal a heart that has been broken. I write this now with tears of pain and anger in my eyes. I am sorry that your father wrote things so vial. It hurts me to read the letter I cant imagine what it must have done to you. My heart and hand goes out to you. I always have cried because I have no family. After reading that I dont want family, not like that.
    Healing Hugs to you,


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

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