"Follow the Christ " conventions...is it me?

by Gordy 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    I think it might also depend on what decade you look at the WTBTS teachings , I know the title of spiritual jew was being used at one point . It's obvious the WTBTS does not consider the great crowd to be in the christian covenant since they do not eat and drink at the lords evening meal , they obviously intend following the christ to actually mean follow the WTBTS dogma without question as if it were jesus christ , the great crowd to them are like the foreign proselytes were to ancient Israel with being allowed to live the life and practice the religion but still not a natural jew and not allowed a share in ruling or in temple duties nor own property in Israel .

  • RR

    Follow THE CHRIST simply mens FOLLOW THE FDS CLASS, in the old days, "The Christ" simply meant Jesus AND the 144,000. Jesus, the ehad, the 144,000 as his body members. Since Christ means "anointed one" and the FDS are anointed ones, they're inviting everyone to follow them.


  • Jeffro
    Follow THE CHRIST simply mens FOLLOW THE FDS CLASS, in the old days, "The Christ" simply meant Jesus AND the 144,000. Jesus, the ehad, the 144,000 as his body members. Since Christ means "anointed one" and the FDS are anointed ones, they're inviting everyone to follow them.

    In fairness, doesn't 'follow the Christ' for Catholics mean 'do what the Pope says' and 'follow Catholic dogma'? And the same applies for other religions too. Any religion inherently requires submission to its own leadership as part of their definition of 'proper' worship.

    There are plenty of real problems with the JW religion. There's no reason to make up extra ones.

  • undercover
    Well, that's just trademark misusage.

    Well, yea, I guess you're right...

    ...but it can be argued that the JW version of Christianity is a trademark misusage as well.

    Let's skip the coke and go get a beer instead...

  • OnTheWayOut

    Actually, if you want to get technical, the Watchtower does teach that they are THE "Christ". They call themselves "THE annointed" and the word "annointed" literally means the same as the Greek word "christ."

    bluesapphire, thanks. While I know what you said, have always known it, I never saw it in print in the WT so your
    typing it here made it click. They are "the Christ" to their people. The whole assembly will be about switching
    the terms interchangeably- Governing Body, The Christ, God's appointed King, God's appointed representative.

  • Sunspot
    Does anyone get the feeling this is a ploy by the WT to project themselves as "Christian".

    Yes, positively, definetly and assuredly so.

    The thrust to make the WTS APPEAR TO BE more acceptable to the Christian community and try to dupe even more people into being deliberately deceived by this publishing company...seems to be the reason for this "new interest" in (the) Christ. You'll notice that the nobel WTS editorial staff does NOT show the Jesus that died for ALL on the Cross on this "invitation to lies"---but shows a Jesus "teaching people" so they can draw the mental comparison on what will be occurring at the convention the "invitation" is offered for....."teaching people" what the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY TEACHES...and NOT what Jesus taught! (MORE clever ploys.)

    Philippians 2:9 says ; "Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names"---and I wonder if the WTS will bring THIS out---that Jesus name is held ABOVE ALL OTHERS..... I sincerely doubt that this sudden interest in "Jesus" will reveal this.

    We see that; "There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) and I will be amazed if they bring THIS out either.....as the "Christians" they like to CLAIM they are. ANYONE can make the CLAIM to be Christian----but the proof is in the pudding and the proof just is not there when it comes to the actions, teachings AND behavior of the WTS and those who follow THEM. They are not following (the) Christ, no matter WHAT they say.

  • Sunspot
    To be honest, I'm really quite bored of this tiresome debate of whether JWs are Christians. Just because they're a different 'brand' of Christianity with some distinct doctrines, they still fall within the definition of Christian, regardless of what people of other denominations believe.

    Really? Have YOU considered how tedious WE find it to be when people still insist on thinking that the WTS teaches Chrisitianity? Whats with the "different BRAND of Christianity? What kind of doubletalk is THAT? Has the WTS stopped teaching that ALL must be "in unity"......or do they still teach that ALL must adhere to every (latest) uttering from the WTS mouth, whatever it may be "at present"?

    ALL "other Christians" openly confess Jesus and look to HIM as their Lord and Savior, believed He died on a Cross for the sins of ALL mankind and observe the day He was born to us, AND the day He was resurrected, proving He was who He SAID He was and that He had truly conquered death!

    Have YOU ALSO noticed that "only OTHER churches" have accepted their CHRISTIAN responsibility in truly following Jesus commands to care for the poor and needy? WHAT chsrities does the affluent WTS support? These are just a FEW EXAMPLES of how the GB has shot down any chance of proving they are "Christian" OR have any HOPE of leading ANYONE ELSE to be.

    The Watchtower and the JWs that follow THEM----are NOT Christian....and THEY will have to deal with THAT when Jesus actually DOES COME, and IS SEEN as the bible SAID He would be.....and REALLY inspects THEM!!!

  • Jeffro
    The thrust to make the WTS APPEAR TO BE more acceptable to the Christian community and try to dupe even more people into being deliberately deceived by this publishing company...seems to be the reason for this "new interest" in (the) Christ. You'll notice that the nobel WTS editorial staff does NOT show the Jesus that died for ALL on the Cross on this "invitation to lies"---but shows a Jesus " teaching people" so they can draw the mental comparison on what will be occurring at the convention the "invitation" is offered for....."teaching people" what the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY TEACHES ... and NOT what Jesus taught! ( MORE clever ploys.)

    Philippians 2:9 says ; "Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names"---and I wonder if the WTS will bring THIS out---that Jesus name is held ABOVE ALL OTHERS..... I sincerely doubt that this sudden interest in "Jesus" will reveal this.

    We see that; "There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) and I will be amazed if they bring THIS out either.....as the "Christians" they like to CLAIM they are. ANYONE can make the CLAIM to be Christian----but the proof is in the pudding and the proof just is not there when it comes to the actions, teachings AND behavior of the WTS and those who follow THEM. They are not following (the) Christ , no matter WHAT they say.

    More biased subjectivity! Yes, JWs do not have the true religion. Yes, JWs don't teach exactly the same things about Jesus as most other Christian religions do. Yes, I can disprove their core doctrines with a single bible verse. But the fact remains that their interest in Jesus is hardly "sudden", and many of their members do sincerely believe that they're doing what Jesus wants them to do. Lose the vitriol and be objective.

  • M.J.
    if you dig deep enough into their own theology, there is evidence to imply that the non-anointed members are not Christians.

    Historically, the Jonadab class (later, Great Crowd) were not originally considered to be Christians. Which was totally appropriate given the way they defined the class. But that detail was soon glossed over as it was apparent the GC would quickly became the majority.

    As for the Convention,

    I think the emphasis will be that "Christ is the head of the congregation". So to follow the lead of "the congregation" is to "follow the Christ". This in effect means to follow the FDS. It would be too blatant for them to say "Follow the Christ" = "Follow the FDS".

  • journey-on

    Whatever their intention is for using this particular phraseology, they will present it with a slick sales pitch and release some new literature for the r&f to spend good money on.

    The r&f will hang on their every word, eager for some real spiritual meat instead of the soft pablum they usually get, and life will continue for them as usual....carrot in front of the horse's nose!

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