"Follow the Christ " conventions...is it me?

by Gordy 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot
    More biased subjectivity! Yes, JWs do not have the true religion. Yes, JWs don't teach exactly the same things about Jesus as most other Christian religions do. Yes, I can disprove their core doctrines with a single bible verse. But the fact remains that their interest in Jesus is hardly "sudden", and many of their members do sincerely believe that they're doing what Jesus wants them to do. Lose the vitriol and be objective.

    Gee....WHO has a better RIGHT to be angray and upset when they have given their LIVES over to a publishing company that purposely deceive and dupes nice people into following THEM??? Easy for YOU to sit back and criticize.

    You said " Yes, JWs don't teach exactly the same things about Jesus as most other Christian religions do." WHAT??? -----"MOST OTHERS"? You have got to be kidding! NOBODY preaches the crap or the opinions of the editorial staff that the WTS does! They have made up their OWN Gospel and preach another message entirely! "MOST OTHERS" see the WTS as lunatics or a cult. Doesn't THAT register in your brain? Why are you trying to candy-coat what this hideous form of religion teaches---as "indisputable bible truth"?

    My observation that the WTS has just showed the "sudden interest in Jesus", stands as written. Are the JWs instructed at the WTS TMS to go to people's homes and deliver the message tat Jesus died for THEM and that HE is inviting them to "come to HIM".....OR are they delivering another message entirely.........which, of course....leads people to the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY?

    And stop telling ME how to sound or how to FEEL. If you don't like reading what I say.....feel free to skip over my comments.

  • bluesapphire


    The whole assembly will be about switching the terms interchangeably- Governing Body, The Christ, God's appointed King, God's appointed representative.

    I know what you mean! When I realized this all of a sudden one day it hit me like a mack truck. At that time I was still transitioning from JW to Christian to Catholic to I don't know what. But no matter how I looked at it -- even from an atheistic standpoint -- they ARE IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM A CHRISTIAN RELIGION!

  • bluesapphire
    In fairness, doesn't 'follow the Christ' for Catholics mean 'do what the Pope says' and 'follow Catholic dogma'? And the same applies for other religions too. Any religion inherently requires submission to its own leadership as part of their definition of 'proper' worship.

    I take it you've never been Catholic or any other religion such as Evangelical, Protestant, etc. None of these religions calls themselves the "annointed" or the "faithful and discreet slave", etc.

    You should try going to some services of some other religions and you will see that Christian services are Christ-centered. All of their songs are Christ-centered. All of their activities revolve around Jesus Christ.

    Then go to the JW convention or any of their gatherings and you will see that Christ is hardly even mentioned. And you will see how non Christ-centered they are and that's only the beginning.

    They only call themselves "Christian" because that's their market base. Plain and simple, they are a business masquerading as a religion.

  • bluesapphire

    PS: That's also why you don't see them spending all their time and money in nations that are predominantly non-Christian such as China and the Middle East.

    "Why waste our time selling Jesus to these guys? Let all the other Christian denominations do the hard work, then we'll have a larger client base after that!"
  • heathen
    I take it you've never been Catholic or any other religion such as Evangelical, Protestant, etc. None of these religions calls themselves the "annointed" or the "faithful and discreet slave",

    Catholics think the pope is sitting in the apostle peters position , priests claim they can absolve sins , the evangelicals do believe they are anointed with holy spirit , they might not call themselves the FDS but they chose other terms such as pasture or reverend and they believe that everybody owes them money and will con everybody into giving them 10 per cent of their income because if you don't you won't be going to heaven . They believe personal wealth is most important .

    I really don't think the j-dubs know what they are . They are now going by the name , "jehovahs christian witnesses", they only started calling themselves a christian religion because of tax exemption for a religion of that catagory after decades of bashing the churches of christiandom .

  • Elsewhere

    I haven't read all of the posts in this thread, so someone may have already pointed this out:

    According to the Watchtower teachings, the "Christ" is NOT Jesus. The "Christ" is made up of of the "body of Christ" and therefore refers to the 144,000 and the Faithful and Discrete Slave.

    Bottom line... "Follow the Christ" means "Follow the Watchtower Society".

    Tricky little buggers thought they could slip that one by and not have anyone notice.

    *** w06 2/15 p. 23 Gathering Things in Heaven and Things on Earth ***

    “The Body of the Christ”

    At 1 Corinthians 10:16, 17, Paul, in discussing the particular import of the bread for spirit-anointed brothers of Christ, mentioned “body” in a special sense. He said: “The loaf which we break, is it not a sharing in the body of the Christ? Because there is one loaf, we, although many, are one body, for we are all partaking of that one loaf.” When anointed Christians partake of the Memorial bread, they declare their unity within the congregation of anointed ones, which is like a body with Christ as the Head.—Matthew 23:10; 1 Corinthians 12:12, 13, 18.

  • bluesapphire
    Catholics think the pope is sitting in the apostle peters position , priests claim they can absolve sins , the evangelicals do believe they are anointed with holy spirit , they might not call themselves the FDS but they chose other terms such as pasture or reverend and they believe that everybody owes them money and will con everybody into giving them 10 per cent of their income because if you don't you won't be going to heaven . They believe personal wealth is most important .

    Hi Heathen! We're not saying that all of the other "Christian" religions are great. What we're saying is that the Watchtower religion is NOT Christian.

    Saying that a man succeeded another man all the way up to the first appointed man by Jesus is A LOT different from saying you are the Christ, dontcha think?

    Calling yourself "pastor" or saying you're annointed with holy spirit is scriptural and it's not equal to saying you are "THE CHRIST/ANNOINTED".

    Asking for money, legitimately or illegitimately, is not the same as saying you are "the Christ".

    This is the topic at hand. You can argue if you want but I just thought I'd put you back on track with the topic, unless you want to start a different topic.

  • bluesapphire

    PS, the absolution of sins is also scriptural. And it's also not the equivalent of taking Jesus' place. And the official teaching is that only the sins of the truly repentant will be absolved with the blessing and only God knows that. Soooo, again, no one here is trying to make the claim that they are THE CHRIST! But the Watchtower Society makes this exact claim!

  • heathen

    I agree as mentioned in previous replies , they are putting themselves in the seat of the christ and to follow the christ as taught by the FDS is to obey the WTBTS book publishing corporation without question and be obedient to every rule or law they concoct because it is believed to be jesus communicating bible truths to them exclusively , unless of course they are wrong, as often is the case ,then it's just human imperfection and to be ignored or discarded as if they had just broke wind and they won't even apologize for the inconvenience.

    I was merely drawing parallels to the other religion heirarchies , they all act as if jesus left them in charge so better not think for yourself because they already took care of all that for you and seeing them is the same as seeing jesus............

  • greendawn

    It is just a marketing ploy, the JWs are jehovah centred and most dubs are not even part of the New Covenant, their praising of Jesus has form of acceptance but no real substance, at its real heart the JW religion is judaism that tries to pass itself off as a Christianity.

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