More biased subjectivity! Yes, JWs do not have the true religion. Yes, JWs don't teach exactly the same things about Jesus as most other Christian religions do. Yes, I can disprove their core doctrines with a single bible verse. But the fact remains that their interest in Jesus is hardly "sudden", and many of their members do sincerely believe that they're doing what Jesus wants them to do. Lose the vitriol and be objective.
Gee....WHO has a better RIGHT to be angray and upset when they have given their LIVES over to a publishing company that purposely deceive and dupes nice people into following THEM??? Easy for YOU to sit back and criticize.
You said " Yes, JWs don't teach exactly the same things about Jesus as most other Christian religions do." WHAT??? -----"MOST OTHERS"? You have got to be kidding! NOBODY preaches the crap or the opinions of the editorial staff that the WTS does! They have made up their OWN Gospel and preach another message entirely! "MOST OTHERS" see the WTS as lunatics or a cult. Doesn't THAT register in your brain? Why are you trying to candy-coat what this hideous form of religion teaches---as "indisputable bible truth"?
My observation that the WTS has just showed the "sudden interest in Jesus", stands as written. Are the JWs instructed at the WTS TMS to go to people's homes and deliver the message tat Jesus died for THEM and that HE is inviting them to "come to HIM".....OR are they delivering another message entirely.........which, of course....leads people to the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY?
And stop telling ME how to sound or how to FEEL. If you don't like reading what I say.....feel free to skip over my comments.