Without Any Observer Can The Universe Exist?

by frankiespeakin 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gill

    Frankiespeakin - It becomes another universe altogether! Wow! So! This begs the question, when it comes to matter, does size really matter?

    If 'smallness' is infinite, just as 'largeness' is infinite, then in the end it is all about our own perception, isn't it, and not just what we see!

    AS I said before, it is all energy and matter and those 'spaces' inbetween.

    Bernadette - We are at the same time, so small and so large! I agree we have some effect on the universe, but really we are quite powerless except in our own small circle and when it comes to the big inevitabilites of life, ie death, we have NO power at all. We cannot change, stop, alter, the 'circle of life', we can only walk along the pre laid road and try to make it a pleasant experience for ourselves and others.

  • frankiespeakin


    This begs the question, when it comes to matter, does size really matter?

    Most assuredly. If you were the size of the milky way galaxy your perception of matter, time, space, and just about everything would change.

  • trevor

    The universe observes itself as it manifests.

    We on this small planet observe a tiny corner of the universe equivalent to a speck of dust.

    Our observation alters the quality of the universe because our existence and our thoughts are a part of the universe but our energy has always existed in some form.

    We are therefore observing our self manifestation.

  • nvrgnbk

    The Universe is self-observing.

    Edited to add: OMG Trevor! I posted mine without reading page 2 of the thread first. We are very much in agreement.

  • sir82

    I would tend to say yes.

    One second after the big bang, there was no observer.

    Yet, today, looking back, we can verify that the universe existed one second after the big bang (granted, in a much different state than now, but still...)

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Is this a question that can ever be answered by anyone other than the inventor of the universe?

  • M.J.
    I guess we can give several meanings to the word exist.

    So you're saying that existance is defined by perception? Because perception of something at a sub-atomic level changes from its perception on a macro level...its existence therefore changes? Is existance then a synonym for perception?

    I'm not quite convinced. If you say that at room temperature and standard atmospheric pressure water exists as a liquid, this means it's in a state where the molecules interact in a way which is characteristic of a liquid. The interaction of molecules does not depend on your vantage point...but your definition of the characteristics of a liquid might. That's enough. My head hurts.

  • yaddayadda

    Without annoying posters can stupid threads exist?

  • 5go

    If a tree fell over and killed a mime would anyone care ? - Gary Larson - Farside

  • bernadette
    Bernadette - We are at the same time, so small and so large! I agree we have some effect on the universe, but really we are quite powerless except in our own small circle and when it comes to the big inevitabilites of life, ie death, we have NO power at all. We cannot change, stop, alter, the 'circle of life', we can only walk along the pre laid road and try to make it a pleasant experience for ourselves and others.


    I like the pregnant woman illustration from revelation as a metaphor for life as it manifests itself (having had 2 children myself and how many times did we study the revelation book ?)

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