Canadian candy bars had blood in them- They did? when?
Name Things Witnesses Make Big Deals Over
by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends
JWs made big deals over blood and lecithin. Especially Canadian candybars. They had blood in it.
So did ice cream from Dairy Queen, apparently. My parents boycotted DQ for about 5 years in the 70s because of that stupid rumor.
Another falsity. JWs in the 60s were paranoid and reading every ingredient. Candy has lecithin quite often and JWs were told this had blood in it. Hot dogs were also blood filled too. But eating a rare steak was ok.
omigod, I had forgotten the Rod Stewart thing - wasn't that a hoot? I wonder if it is on the urban legends website or if it was just a JW myth? For an organization that believes gossip is wrong, they are the number one biggest gossips in the whole damn world.
Aquagirl, I would have been stumbled too if I saw you then... and then I would ask for your phone number.
Oh! And water pistols!!! They're just toys! Anybody that would confuse a water pistol for a real gun probably should do the world a favor and not reproduce.
Pantyhose. In the god awful hottest days of summer they would always have a special needs talk concerning appropriate dress for sisters and 9 times out of 10 they harped on the need for pantyhose on the sister's legs.
When this cosmetic company released this new product called spray on hose or something like that, it was considered all the rage amongst the sisters. P-a-t-h-e-t-i-c.
Local congregation gossip
New releases at the convention
Grooming! I remember a conversation where a sister was airing her opinion on multiple ear piercings..she felt it was worldly. My brother got counseled about his hair a lot...some sisters got on to my mom about letting me wear makeup at 13.
SEX! a.k.a. fornication
all the reproving, getting DF'd and all the gossip over who's sleeping with who is so stupid and unnecessary. So much is made over what people do in their own private lives. makes me sick how they want to always be in your business and DF young people left and right over this!
If you wear a tee shirt with words on it at a quick build or while touring Bethel, you're no good.