You kind of get to a point where you know all the answers when you are a JW. You don't really have to research much more because its the same stuff they present over and over again. "Jehovah's reminders" But I kind of looked forward to new light. It was exciting. And I think that's why new light never hurt my faith in the borg.
What did you think of "new light"?
by reneeisorym 38 Replies latest jw friends
I too, used to love New Light. It was exciting and I viewed it as evidence of Jehovah's direction and Holy Spirit
Sure, when I was young and keen (probably insufferable) I was excited by new things and probably enjoyed showing off that I knew all about it. I can recall going to Assemblies hoping to hear a "New Truth"
As time went by and I became nearer to leaving, it became clear that doctrines were being changed for expediency since the prophecies had not come true. eg the age of the 1914 generation, and its final abandonment. Recently the ditching of the 1935 date for gathering the remnant is another example.
They can't fool all the people all of the time
Crooked Lumpy Vessel
I too was once blinded by this 'new light'...very privy to a secret revealed.
However, at some point I became suspicious when the 'new light' was actually 'old light' renewed. The 'old light' was wrong...hence the 'new light'. But the 'old light' turned out to be the 'right light' after all and the 'new light' was 'old light', which made the most recent 'new light' 'old light' and the 'old light' 'new light'.
Damn! No wonder I was so stupid!
However, at some point I became suspicious when the 'new light' was actually 'old light' renewed. The 'old light' was wrong...hence the 'new light'. But the 'old light' turned out to be the 'right light' after all and the 'new light' was 'old light', which made the most recent 'new light' 'old light' and the 'old light' 'new light'.
Damn! No wonder I was so stupid!
New Light™ is this cult's tool to transform itself according to pressing social and political circumstances.
If Jehovah™ was with the WT, why is it that some of their True™ policies keep changing?
Truth has no expiry date.
There is no such thing as new light.
Light is light. Truth is truth. I does not, and cannot change. Truth does not become old. It becomes false if evidence is presented to replace or update it.
The whole "new light" concept was the borg's way of covering up the fact that they had no idea what the hell they were talking about.
I always liked this illustration....
Suppose one day you were looking through murky water in a pond and see what you believe is a fish, but you can't tell what kind of fish because of the murky water. Then when the water gets clearer you can see that what you thought was a fish is actually a old boot. Truth is, it was never a fish, you were wrong from the beginning.
When "new light" makes something brighter, or clearer, and you find out that what you once believed was completely wrong, you can't try to tweak it to make it into something it never was. Gymbob
I saw this quotation once and I thought it was perfect!
"There are two kinds of light--the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures. "
- -- James Thurber
The Watchtower is full of glaring light!
they are going to call it new "fluorescent light" know how it flashes on and off a few times till it stabilises....damn..I have given them illustrations for their district assembly talks