The New Light was always, at best, a huge freakin' let down.
by reneeisorym 38 Replies latest jw friends
The New Light was always, at best, a huge freakin' let down.
Highly anticipated and timely information from headquarters om the soon to come Armageddon .....oh boy !
When people start to believe that they are in fact gods only voice on earth, anything is posible......the truth was nothing more than mental coercion put out to the slaves from the master
What did I think???..The "Old Light" was a lie..And..The "New Light"probably is too!..I was a kid then..But..I was smarter than your average Adult JW...OUTLAW
interesting how the new light always appeared regularly every year just in time for the big convention - sort of like the super bowl half time show - keeps the folks interested.
It always made me mad that they would figure out something -- "Jehovah gave them new light" and we would have to wait until a WT came out or an assembly. I felt like they should send a special letter the moment they figured something new out. By waiting, they let al of the JWs believe something untrue for months before they found out different. (now I realize it didn't matter because it was all hogwash anyway)
Most "New Light" accompanied enough information for the elders to see that it was necesary to
make the change for legal reasons. The longer I stayed, the more I realized that. If it wasn't for
legal reasons, it was still necessary as the old light was embarassingly inaccurate now.
What real "New Light" is coming out, really? 1935- that's not truly new. They just changed their
tone on what they have been saying. We were supposed to believe the door was closed when they
said it wasn't entirely closed. Now we are supposed to believe the door is not entirely closed but
mostly that the gathering is finished anyway. The only new light is that anointed ones are nothing
special, some men not even qualifed to be MS or elders. That's different from what they've always
wanted us to think about those fully tested with fire.
I fell into the "new publications" excitement for the first 5 or 6 years, then realized how the pubs were
not all that great, just cut-and-paste of old pubs in many cases. You have to really read old stuff to
notice this. Fortunately, as a public speaker, I read many of the older pubs.
I also remember anticipating the anouncement of 'new light' waiting.....waiting.....waiting. Then light reveals......'No more free food in the cafeteria'.......WTF!!....Then it was no restaurant food during lunch hour..only cold bologna sandwiches. Next it will be 'bring your own 'toilet paper'
If Jehovah's Witnesses didn't live in darkness there would be no need for them to search for light.
Ooh! So caustic!
Next it will be 'bring your own 'toilet paper'
Don't forget your own cleaning supplies.
Maybe they will get rid of parking and give out approved list of
bus charters that any MS, elder, or pioneer must use, and any
who want to be considered "spiritual" should use also.
This business of "New Light" was one of the final things that made me wake up to myself in the end:
- It always seemed to me that the so-called "New Light" most often revealed itself after (but only after) something the WTS insisted would happen didn't happen!
Then, they had to concoct some story to bull@%#t their way out of (yet another) failure.
This story would be dressed up, of course, as "New Light."
(The example that comes imediately to mind is the matter of "The Generation!"
How that one got modified over the years - and then practically discarded altogether - as the the passage of events showed consistently that the WTS was talking through a hole in its hat!)
As an aside, Gregor's observations are revealing
- i.e. about how each revelation of some "New Light' is often accompanied by much reference to Hebrew or Greek "Root Words".
This, when the WTS's scholarship in the Biblical Languages (or anything else, for that matter!)is about zero.
So, going back to the subject of this thread "what did you think of New Light?"
- for me, it was about the final straw
(the first straw being the matter of 1975, and how the WTS handled its aftermath).
I live in a country with running water and electricity, I have no need for the WTS' "New Light".
Philip, learned to think for myself at a young age, never got dunked.