I thought I'd start a new thread since my other thread was leading into a different topic. Hopefully I can get many different views on this.
I understand the concern not allowing children to be preach to by JW family members. My concern with shielding kids from it is that later on they get curious and fall into the trap? If we allow them to be exposed to it now and teach them how it can be detrimental to their well being, maybe they will keep their eyes and ears open to tricks and mind controlling situations? My son is already picking up on manipulative ways commercials have because of some things that have happened as the result of seeing lies in the JW org.
Would I allow my kids experience drugs? No way!...but then again, I would tell them about it, allow them to research on it and tell them what it can do to them. My gut feeling for kids dealing with JW family members is about the same thing. I would let them research it, talk about it but I would not allow them to go to the meetings. I wouldn't allow them to have a weekly bible study. I (at this moment) feel that I'd do them more harm putting a condition on my JW family members to not preach to them. By shielding them from this, wouldn't that back fire in the long run? Wouldn't they become more curious since they weren't allowed to talk about it with grandma and grandpa?
What's your thoughts?