I can't believe that people alive here in the 21st century still believe in demons.
This is so unbelievable.
To promote this thinking to a group of 6 million+ near-hysterical people is a crime.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-6-07 WT Review (Resist Demons)
by blondie 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
They need to read Carl Sagan's book, The Demon Haunted World. Thanks Blondie and Jnat.
compound complex
"A thorough knowledge of God's word protects us [JWs] ... from the embittered outpourings of apostates." - paragraph 18.
No comment, other than "Oh brother!"CoCo
The demons sometimes act up when Witness friends come to visit. I just go to the kitchen( dont ask me why they're always in the kitchen!) and tell them to behave and they shape up nicely. It's really no problem at all.
"The rebel angels were forced to dematerialize their human bodies and return to the spirit realm."
Does the Bible really say this? If so, where?
"The rebel angels were forced to dematerialize their human bodies and return to the spirit realm."
Really I seem to remember them saying they left their flesh bodies behind so they can't materialize anymore even if they wanted to.
He has the power and the methods needed to blind the minds of the world's rulers and their subjects. With propaganda and religious myths and lies, he has deceived mankind.
let me think of a few religious myths and lies
First, I have to say that when you read the scripture in Ephesians about the suit of armor from a modern english bible (other than NWT) it makes a lot more sense.
The belt of truth- A very interesting scripture. The start of resisting demons is a belt of truth. No need to add stuff about reading publications, etc. Because if you know the facts, the truth, you are well on your way.
Shoes of the "gospel of peace" Why the gospel of peace? Maybe because Jewish zealots in the first century were teaching the gospel of armed revolt against the Romans. The christian gospel of peace is simple- love your neighbor, peaceful resistance, etc. It is difficult to describe the front covers of the WT and AW and the lead presentations as a "gospel of peace"
Finally, I couldn't help but notice that the whole article started out talking about powerful superhuman creatures bent on causing death and destruction and finished up talking about apostates- people who believe differently than the borg. Yeeesh!
para 8: ..."And at Revelation 13:1, 2, Satan is portrayed as "the dragon" who gives to the political wild beast "its power and its throne and great authority." "
Yep, the political wild beast is still going strong, Satan is still the 'god of this system of things' (2 Cor 4:4), and he is still giving the wild beast its 'power and its throne and great authority. AND YET the Watchtower would have us believe that the gentile times ended in 1914, that the 'kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ..' in 1914 (Rev 11:15 - Revelation Climax book). What a joke!
Hey dubs: how long are you going to let the Watchtower insult your intelligence with this 1914 'gentile times' bulldacky! -
The removal of Satan, his demons, and the wicked world is near. Satan knows he has "a short period of time." He is wrathful and at war with those "who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus."
The old politicians trick - to keep the people on a war footing to divert attention from real issues ..Compare George Orwells 1984 p199 " At the same time the consciousness of being at war and therefore in danger, makes the handing over of all power to a small caste seem the natural unavoidable condition of survival"
Hope you had a good time at the wedding Blondie..