Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-6-07 WT Review (Resist Demons)

by blondie 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Pistoff

    **The word "complete" implies that no halfhearted approach would be sufficient to resist demonic attacks. So, what are the vital components of the spiritual armor that Christians today urgently require in order to resist the demons?**

    Fear and guilt, the one-two punch for witnesses. BETTER have a FULL shield, anything less and the Debbil will get ya. Not a full shield yet? Shame on you.

    **They could be penetrating insults, lies, and half-truths put out by enemies and apostates trying to weaken our faith. These "missiles" could also be temptations to be materialistic, causing us to become preoccupied with buying many consumer goods and even inducing us to compete with those who have fallen into an ostentatious lifestyle. Perhaps they have invested in bigger and better homes and vehicles or make a show of their expensive jewelry and the latest clothing fashions. Regardless of what others do, we must have faith that is strong enough to turn aside these "burning missiles." How do we build and retain strong faith?-1 Peter 3:3-5; 1 John 2:15-17.**

    For crying out loud!! Satan’s burning missiles are the people in our own congregation, or those who we once loved and just can’t believe the ever changing claptrap?? Jewelry and homes, that is from Satan?

    Is it any wonder witnesses are completely nuts? From the very top comes the idea that SATAN is trying to crush us through Brother Welloffs new car, or his wife’s bling.

  • nvrgnbk

    The whole "demon" thing is so illogical.

    In one breath they suggest that they attack the spiritually "weak" who like "questionable" entertainment and are not "zealous" in "theocratic" activities.

    In the other, they suggest that demons attack only the super-righteous that could not be slowed in their ministry or tempted to engage in wrongdoing.

    To all this I ..................................................................


  • zack

    If the demons are reserved under bonds, which are in fact chains and restraints, how in the world do they then possess people? They possessed all kinds

    of Jews in Jesus' day, from adolescent to adult. So how effective are the bonds? Also, they harrassed God's angels on the matter of moses' body and the "Prince of Persia"

    stopped an angel from reaching Daniel. What the hell are the bonds made of? Are they rubberbands? Or was James talking about things he knew nothing about?

    And how de we know for a fact that angels, good or bad, cannot take human form? Where is the scripture? Maybe the WTS is run by demons that disguise themselves as angels

    of light.

    As for me, leave me a human. Eventually I'll turn into a little pile of dust. All in all, I will have behaved better as a human, with a turd spewing bum and all, much better than these

    wonderful god-like spirit creatures ever behaved. Flesh and blood. That is the prize.

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