Is Jehovah a chick-magnet?

by PopeOfEruke 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PopeOfEruke

    Growing up in a divided household, I remember wondering about my JW mother and how she would dress up to the 9's when going to the meetings. Nice dress, makeup, hair done, perfume.

    It would drive my non-JW father crazy and I swear that Dad was jealous of Jehovah.

    I also personally felt that Mum was dressing up almost as if for a "date". It was somehow weird, almost sexual.

    Was my Mum dressing up for Jehovah? Is Jehovah a turn-on for some women?

    Is Jehovah a chick-magnet??


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Women are socialized to compete with each other, socialized to be dependent, socialized to be always feminine, lovely, non-threatening, especially in cults.

    So, why not do the "female" thing despite the Apostle Paul's admonition against it - get gussied up - before such a social event, which is for many JWs, the only socializing they do.

    Honestly, it's the only thing about being a JW that I miss and have great ambivalance about as well - always getting dressed up, making up my face, looking my best. After all, being a Jehovah's Witness is all about double standards, particularly for women. If you don't keep yourself up, you get admonished for it; if you are overly preoccupied with it, you get admonished for it; and/or just gossipped about or marked or shunned.

    As a teen getting prettified was what I wanted to do anyway; as a mature (?) woman, it is something I both eschew and envy - making myself feel beautiful and desirable publically, making myself a center of attention (positive or negative), invoking the jealousy of others, and consequently, the counsel not to be "overly concerned with the adornment of the hair", etc.

    It's pure socialization and double standards. Jehovah was not the reason for it at all! He's just the social proxy.

  • poppers

    Insightful answer MQ. It makes you wonder what you'd really be if you didn't have to continually put on some sort of "disguise" for the benefit of others' perception or even for one's perception of oneself.

  • Tuesday

    It's the long white beard, chicks dig the beard.

  • minimus

    This has to be one of those crazy thread titles I was talking about yesterday.

  • nvrgnbk
    It's the long white beard, chicks dig the beard.

    Wait a minute! You tellin' me Jehovah sports a beard and I can't?



  • Brigid

    Jehovah pulls off the ultimate Father-figure archetype albeit an abusive can never be pleased or appeased father. He is one of the original sky-daddies. So, some women, I suppose would be highly attracted to that in a Jungian sort of way. And yes, very quasi-sexual. Now, I crave the Father-figure as much as any gal, but give me some bad-ass Mars/Aries energy when I'm really craving a powerful male energy in a god.

    For long-term god-relationships, I prefer to relate to my god(s) and equal energies--mother/father. And they get equal props on my alter.

  • rebel8

    I actually went on a date with jehovah once. It was really boring. We just sat there in his kitchen, with chaperones of course, listening to Kingdom Melodies and doing math problems. What's up with that? 70 + 1914 + 670 blah blah blah. He's, like, obsessed with numbers or something. Whatevah dude.

    When I first got there, he gave me some red wine and a cracker, but demanded I not drink and eat it. WTF?

    I went for a stroll in the garden and he got really mad when I sat on his fence. He started screaming that he hates fence-sitters and if I didn't get off the fence, he would spit me out of his mouth. Is he a cannibal or something? I didn't know what the hell he meant, but I high-tailed it outta there fast.

  • LovesDubs

    LOL! Rebel! What IS the attraction?

    Look at the guys vs women ration in the JWs. The women FAR outnumber the guys in there. I used to dress waaay up when I was a single JW. No doubt about it. To make the brothers cry and piss off the sisters. After I got married, flats and 3/4 length dresses and baby bags and infant puke on my shoulder were all the rage.

    As for Jehoover..he just laughs at all of us. Including that brother who has been wearing the same tie every week since 1977.

  • Crumpet
    When I first got there, he gave me some red wine and a cracker, but demanded I not drink and eat it. WTF?

    Rebel8 - you crack me up as ever.

    I nominate this as best thread title ever.

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