Funny thing, I actually wanted to get baptized when I was 12 but they wanted me to wait.
Todays the day
by darth frosty 12 Replies latest jw friends
It is just so hard to believe that any parent would allow their kid at 13 to be traptized. Knowing the consequences that can come with dunking. It just makes no sense to me, other then the fact JW parents like to use their kids to look spiritual. Makes me want to hurl. Glad you are out.
lost my virginity to a PO's daughter at a District Convention in Allentown- schweet!!
Oh dont tell me that !!!! PO's daughters dont do that
Well all I can say BA is you must return to the site of the crime ( to be given absolution) So come to Pennsylvania Blue Mountains Convention....Oct 19th ....
You will be able to tell us about that naughty episode....we will spray you with holy water.... A Voila!!!!! you are saved & forgiven