ALERT: All Child Abuse Lawsuits have been settled. Millions cashed out???

by What-A-Coincidence 229 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    How very sweet a start this is. The day will come when they can no longer allow the abuse of innocent children.

    I hope this gets out to the Witnesses. I am sure they are already working on damage control. What do you think they will say and do?

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Response to JDUBS:"These are attacks by Satan"

    Response to lawsuits: "All the parties involved were 'satisfied'".

    "Our decisions were in the best interest of the individuals."

    i make a good J.R. Dub eh???

    studying mind control is paying off ... anyone looking for a cult leader ??

  • abbagail

    For any late-comers overnight or early tomorrow to this thread, who may live anywhere near San Diego, CA or Nashville, TN:

    Nashville, TN - 10 AM Press Conference

    San Diego, CA - 1 PM Press Conference

    Yes, there are TWO (2) Silentlambs Press Conferences tomorrow/Thursday 5/10/07, re: these 16 plaintiffs being "coerced" (Bill's word) to settle and then "gagged" from speaking re: the settlement specifics after the fact.

    Danny put one link above to the info, and here's another:

    All the details of both Press Conferences, their exact locations, their purpose, Bill's statements, etc. can be found at that link.

    Wish I could be there, with as big a crowd as the Brooklyn March in 9/02. This is just as worthy of an occasion, imho.


  • Manjana


    Wish I could be there too. But a long way from Denmark. But I promise you, I am following it, an have already posted it at several web-pages. JW will hopefully regret so much, that they have been doing this. I will work on that I know for sure.


  • DannyHaszard

    Notice below this one directly below is in holding pattern for MORE info released today COMMENT (No registration needed here at topix)

    International Falls Daily Journal, MN - 6 hours ago
    The group will also announce an outreach effort to find and help more men and women who have been sexually abused by Jehovah's Witness officials. ...(you can comment and vote up) Got a Yahoo email account?You can quickie sign up and vote comment;_ylt=Agiy_W6gntY9K8k6jK_t_q3ty6IX?qid=20070509140348AAo0Dmt&show=7#profile-info-250b391ff9c89f88a8d4c7b841023c54aa this is in Law and Ethics by a prolific JW sockpuppet troll
  • wednesday

    I wanted to post this link . It has some helpful info and this topic explains HER GAG ORDER

    This explains what a GAG ORDER can look like, (and GAG ORDERS are very specific) .

    this comes from a therapy abuse site, and as you can see, the victim still has some latitude.

    the entire site is excellent, not just for therapy abuse. When a person has lived with abuse all their life, as most JWS have, it is very difficult to recognize abuse. And while a therapist is not a clergy, they are bound by some very similar rules.

  • abbagail

    Good job Danny. I put in my 2-cents at Topix and Yahoo (= which won't let you "answer" more than once, or I would have included more info. Aggravating). Great that the Tennessean is in "holding pattern" until further info comes in today after the press conferences. Very good!


  • DannyHaszard
    Good job Danny.

    I accept some commendation but 98% of credit goes to others,all I do is keep a vigil on keywords 24/7 (lots of catnaps/powernaps)

  • abbagail

    "I accept some commendation but 98% of credit goes to others, all I do is keep a vigil on keywords 24/7"...

    Au contraire, my good man, I think you work your buns off! But humility is always a lovely virtue!


    ..." (lots of catnaps/powernaps)"...

    Well, then, you're in the company of geniuses, because Thomas Edison lived solely on catnaps too, so much so that he lived and slept in his little workshop most of the time (power-naps as you say) rather than his house nearby, so he could just get back up and keep working round the clock...

    I had the pleasure of visiting the Thomas Edison Museum and his "Southern home" over in Ft. Myers a number of years ago, and on the tour around his property, house, gardens, workshop, that's what they said. I always got a huge kick out of the fact he lived off of catnaps.

    (BTW, fascinating if you ever get to visit the museum, just amazing the zillions of things he invented, not just the lightbulb. Toasters, phonographs, I can't even remember it all, the walls were covered with items. The museum is across the street from his house, on the canal, where he built it there on purpose, and they made the house in a square shape with two huge french doors on all four sides of the house so there would ALWAYS be a breeze going through the main house. I LOVED that, too! Also he imported just an amazing variety of plants and bushes from all over the world, and they cover the grounds. Across the street at the museum is a HUGE banyan tree that Henry Ford brought to Edison which he planted there. But his greatest achievement, besides the light bulb, imho, were the hundreds and hundreds of Royal Palm Trees that he imported from Cuba to line each side of the street leading to his house, for miles and miles. It's an awesome drive! A narrow winding road with these gorgeous towering royal palms on each side.)

    Oh well, back to your catnap, lol.


  • dedpoet

    I posed the question in Yahoo answers, in response to a poster who suggested it, but couldn't do it themselves. The question, and a few answers, are at the link Danny posted

    Got a Yahoo email account?You can quickie sign up and vote comment;_ylt=Agiy_W6gntY9K8k6jK_t_q3ty6IX?qid=20070509140348AAo0Dmt&show=7#profile-info-250b391ff9c89f88a8d4c7b841023c54aa this is in Law and Ethics by a prolific JW sockpuppet troll For those who don't have access to Yahoo answers, here's the question

    Is the report that the Jehovahs Witnesses settled 14 child abuse cases out of court recently true?

    There is a report on some of the Jehovahs Witness Discussion Forums that the Watchtower Society settled 14 law suits taken out against them by victime of child abuse from within their congregations out of court. All these cases were in the USA, and it is also reported that the Watchtower was able to impose a gagging order on the claimants to prevent them going public with the settlements. However, the news has, apparently, been leaked, not by the claimants or their legal representatives, but by people within the organisation who wish that the truth should be told. Apparrently, the Napa Valley Courthouse in California has confirmed that these cases have indeed been settled out of court, but no details of the size of the payouts has been revealed as yet. If these reports are accurate, it would appear that the Watchtower Society has once again been able to cover up child abuse cases within their organisation, though settling out of court is an admission of guilt in itself.

    Of course, I know it is true about the settlements, but I also know that plenty of jw apologists go on there, judging by the reaction to jw-related questions previously posted. There is one very typical jw reaction on there now, check it out dedpoet

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