What is the net worth of the Watchtower Society?
by R.F. 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals
This is only my guess, but if you take into consideration all of the kingdom halls, all of their branch offices, and printing facilities, all of their stocks, all of their bank accounts. I would imagine anywhere from 200 Billion to a trillion, this is only my guess.
This is a difficult one, because the information is a little hard to come by. Word is that the WTS refuses to publish the details because its enemies "may distort the information" and use it to hinder the good news ( paraphrasing here but that is the basic message)
The worth is is difficult to estimate, the value of land and property will sky rocket as we get more overcrowded in this world. They have an awful lot of both ! According to Diane Wilson (Awakening of a Jehovahs Witness), they budgeted $50 million for the refurbishment of a building project, this doubled (despite all the free labour that the Dubs " give to Jehovah " HOW???) and one of the head honchoes said to her " No matter how much we spend the amount we have in the bank never decreases. Its wonderful to see how Jehovah provides ". So they have significant resources . Where from ? The magazines were sold for seemingly pittance (don't be misled! Some larger commercial magazines will sell for approximately the same - take into account cuts [ distributer/ store/ main firm/ partners/] although also remember the advertising revenues balancing it out) The WTS has the largest printing press in the world and with buying in such bulk - are sure to be laughing all the way to the bank. There was a report (New Yorks richest companies - sorry don't have the link but it is on this site) where their yearly net income (Brooklyn) was listed as just short of a BILLION dollars - they have 3340 staff - remember all volunteers ! Then count all their business interests , which they try to deny having! Plus, how many of the faithful donate to the Society in their will and are encouraged to make donations of land and benificiaries. This is a Scandal! All to benefit the distribution of the good news so we can't criticise the good news and important work. Surprisingly profitable. JWs are one of the richest religions around, and size for size, I would argue the Richest in the world! Imagine if, for example counting membership and equilent halls owned per faithful the value of the Catholic Church ?????? And then the JWs call the churches blind for being loaded, when the are even filthier rich !
" If you were Blind, you would have no sin. But you say 'We See' . Your Sin remains. ". - Jesus to the Pharisees
" We are not like Some Peddlers of Gods Word." - (somewhere in Corinthians - sorry dont have a bible to hand - sat in an internet Cafe!)
Lady Lee
Take a look in here The Best of... WTS Finances
Watchtower 34th Biggest company in NY --- Revenue (in millions): 951
WB&TS of Pennsylvania financial figures
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
Pensylvania Reg. # 11-1857820
Year Ended August 31, 1998BALANCE SHEET...............................1998 / 1997
Cash and short-term investments........$296,522,535 / 209,383,368
Current receivables......................10,849,287 / 7,078,760
Long-term receivables...................277,421,320 / 267,435,970
Property and equipment..................120,697,680 / 120,547,679
TOTAL ..................................705,130,822 / 604,445,777Liabilities
Accounts payable & accrued liabilities...$2,414,924 / 794,524
Conditional donations.....................7,489,654 / 8,743,636
Long-term payables.......................61,002,396 / 37,503,266
TOTAL LIABILITIES........................70,906,974 / 47,041,426NET ASSETS.............................$634,223,848 / 604,445,777
Donations................................47,443,713 / 54,722,984
Interest.................................24,925,594 / 20,504,081
Kingdom Hall Assistance Fund..............3,218,791 / 3,900,595
Royalties, Rent and Other.................3,519,062 / 2,928,113
TOTAL REVENUES...........................79,107,160 / 82,055,773Expenses
Kingdom Hall Assistance ..................2,123,945 / 2,485,514
Relief Fund..................................21,182 / 170,507
Convention Fund.................................430 / 0
Administrative Services.....................142,106 / 14,304
TOTAL EXPENSES............................2,287,663 / 2,670,325CHANGE IN NET ASSETS.....................76,819,497 / 79,385,448
Net Assets At Beginning of Period.......557,404,351 / 469,616,477
Prior period adjustment...........................0 / 8,402,426
NET ASSETS AT END OF PERIOD............$634,223,848 / 557,404,351
Handsome Dan
It's easy to build a great and powerful kingdom when you have millions of slaves at your feet dong the work..........Their worth is over a billion.........fact.
Relief Fund..................................21,182 / 170,507
that's stunning - with nearly 3/4 of a billion dollars in income!!!
somebody please please please sue them for paying less than minimum wage, not paying social security, worker's comp insurance, or disability insurance or unemployment insurance.