Whether we agree with them or disagree---I think they have a right to practice their religion----although I disagree with their beliefs.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses Have The "Right" To Practice Their Religion???
by minimus 71 Replies latest jw friends
I feel that people have the right to do whatever they like, provided it doesn't infringe on the rights of other people.
In the case of JWs, I don't have a problem with them holding to or teaching their children a certain set of values and morals (although I disagree with the rationales for doing so), but I do have a problem with them claiming that their freedom of worship includes: teaching their children to hate homosexuality or premaritial sex, or abortion or having children without the benefit of marriage, or withholding blood transfusions from their children in the case of life threatening situations.
They can't expect to be treated with tolerance if they are preaching and practicing intolerance themselves.
Well since they were the ones that fought in the Supreme Courts for freedom of Religion I guess they do.
But it is a pity they dont give their own peoples the right just to have that Freedom..>>.To think... Which is a forbidden thing in the WT
NO Independent thinking is allowed -
Most fundies don't allow you to fornicate, etc.
They have the right to practice their religion as much as anyone else has the right to practice the religion of their choice according the Constitution of the United States and many other countries.
What is sad about JWs and other religions like them, is that the freedoms and rights that the religious body works so hard in the courts to secure for themselves is not afforded to the individual members.
I live in the USA which gives me the freedom, the right even, to worship as I choose but since I was baptized as a JW(though at an early, immature age) I lost that freedom. If I was to remove my membership from the JWs and join any other religion, or remain unaffliated even, I would be ostracised, shunned and punished for attempting to exercise my freedom of religion. To be discrimnated against for that decision, causing alienation of affection from family means that my freedom of religion has been violated.
So, yes the JWs have the right to practice their religion as JWs, but individual JWs who wish to change their religion no longer have that right.
O.K. so I am stupid !!!! what does this mean >????? Most fundies don't allow you to fornicate, etc.
Mouthy "fundies" is a word used to describe fundamentalist religions such as Baptist,Pentecostal,Church of Christ.
Jehovah`s Witness`s believe it is thier religious right,to preach to other peoples children.Even after they have been asked to stop!..They respect no ones religious freedom except thier own..They support an organization that would murder everyone but Jehovah`s Witness`s..They shoud be judged with thier own moral yardstick..They deserve the same rights they would give us..None...OUTLAW
To answer the question, sure they have the right, but they shouldnt be guaranteed the right to tax exempt status, nor non profit status.
A person should have the right to believe whatever they want. Practicing those beliefs should be restricted to things that don't adversely affect others. I also believe that no organization should have charitible organization status unless they provide services for the community at large, for members and non members alike. If they don't contribute to the community they should pay their taxes. Spreading cult propaganda doesn't count as charitible work.