QUOTE ""This is an entertaining and enlightening book, and fairly easy to read. It has an important message regarding how the world works; that the world is governed not by the predictable and the average, but by the random, the unknownable, the unpredictable -- big events or discoveries or unusual people that have big consequences. Change comes not uniformly but in unpredictable spurts. These are the Black Swans of the title: completedly unexpected and rare events or novel ideas or technologies that have a huge impact on the world. Indeed, Taleb argues that history itself is primarly driven by these Black Swans. "" Review Copywrite AMAZON
My Parting Shot
by Warlock 43 Replies latest jw friends
Well for the love of Pete, I only read your Bio just moments ago and now you're gone. I'm sorry I didn't give myself a better chance to get to know you. Now I'll have to look back and try to decipher who you were, now that you're gone. Really interesting read on your Bio, by the way. Will be looking you up in the near future and take good care.
Take care man. I hope to follow you soon. But there's no denying, JWD will always have a special place in our heart, no?
Best of luck,
Open mind
Hey Warlock:
Go wherever it's healthiest for you. But please know that you will be missed.
Don't feel like you can't pop in from time to time just 'cause you don't post regularly.
I'll always remember your reply to my thread: "Just How Bad Is Baptism?"
Your reply: "Depends on how long they hold you down in the water."
I'm gonna miss your humor as well as your individual viewpoint.
All the best,
Open Mind
Oh no ... I'll miss you for sure !!!
always appreciated to read you, and your specific way to participate (often short but really talking ...)
Since you can come back whenever you want I hope you'll do ... -
take care, darlin'
keep in touch...
One year? Hell I've been on here for almost 5!!
I'm gonna read the book. I'm happy for you that you feel it's time to move on, Warlock. I'll miss your wit.
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
rock on warlock.
Sucks to lose you, but I'm sure you'll do fine without us. Be safe out there.