George Dubya and his cronies have slammed the bill that would allow Americans to purchase prescription drugs at a fraction of the astronomical price they are now forced to pay. What a huge surprise eh? The article says:
"The Bush administration opposes allowing imports of prescription drugs, and the White House had threatened a veto" and "...Overseas, drugs can cost two-thirds less than they do in the United States, where prices for brand-name drugs are among the highest in the world. In many industrialized countries, prices are lower because they are either controlled or partially controlled by government regulation..."
Ya, exactly. Because the governments of these countries, mine included, put a ceiling on how much the pharmaceutical industry can charge, it helps keep costs under control while still giving them a damn good profit. (my boss is good friends with the man who owns one of the generic drug companies here in Ontario. While the costs are significantly lower than in the States, the company is still worth over a billion dollars.)
However, George-the-Asshole-Bush doesn't give a rat's ass how the astronomical prices of drugs is gouging the consumer----he's gotta keep the boys at the top happy right? So forget about the 55 year old woman who lives on $1200 a month, and whose prescriptions total over $1400----Georgy Boy doesn't give a shit. Why is he so opposed to the idea of cheaper drugs coming in north of the border? Because "....Allowing imports from those countries would drive down U.S. brand-name drug prices, Dorgan has said...."
Awwwwww......B-O-O-H-O-O........Golly, that would mean that the pharmaceutical industries wouldn't be able to rip the paying public off quite to the extent that the presently are and wouldn't that be a shame. Nothing like driving the elderly and working poor into the ground just to boost your profits even more eh?
Well, even though it's unofficial, there are actually several pharmacies in Canada that take pity on the Americans and WILL fill their prescriptions. The woman I mentioned above lives in West Virginia. She and a bus load of other Americans get a bus up to Quebec once a month and get their prescriptions filled. Her cost in Quebec? Just over $300.00.
The US government should have done something about this years ago. Common sense dictates that if a drug which costs $50.00 in Canada, costs $400.00 in the USA, then health insurance premiums (assuming you're lucky enough to have it) are going to be a hell of a lot higher. If the drugs were cheaper, then the premiums for health insurance would be cheaper. But I guess that would make too much sense eh?
So who here thinks the States should allow prescription drugs to be imported?